I Introduction
A. Preface
B. The Elements and 369 - Two Streams of Force
C. Mind/Brain as source of Scalar Potential - Keely’s Mechanical Brain Device
D. Fulcrum, Scalar, Neutral Center
II Brief Outline
A. Order and Method
B. Etheric Evolution
C. Liberation of Scalar Mind Force
D. God’s Full Process of Creation
III Polarity, Difference, Potential, Bias
A. Origin of the Two Streams of Forces - 369
B. Twos, Mate-Pairs, Opposites, Allotropes
a) Two types of Water
b) Two types of Movement
c) Two types of alloys
d) Two carrier-substances
e) Two potentials
f) Two substances
g) Two threshold-substances
h) Two frequencies
i) Two States
j) Two Arcs
k) Two Temperatures
l) Two Densities
C. Difference
IV Temperature
A. T1
B. T2
V Pressure
VI Movement, Motion
A. First Motion that creates the Preconditions for Life or Death
B. Second Motion that creates Life or Death
C. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion
D. Separating the two bipolar substances
E. Three Earth motions - https://youtu.be/AW_NFPb6WlI
F. Cycloid Motions - cycloid-space-curve-motion
VII Double Spiral Pipe
A. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
a) Centrifugal Motion
b) Centripetal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
c) Separating the two bipolar substances
B. Various pipe shapes
VIII Alloys, metals, etc.
A. Carbon
B. Carbones
C. Copper
D. Hydrogen
E. Inert Gas - see [Cosmic Bridge]
a) Argon
b) Helium
c) Krypton
d) Neon
e) Radon
f) Xenon
IX Factor, prerequisite, precondition, procedures
A. Factors
B. Prerequisites
C. Precondition
D. Procedures
X Mechanical Starting Impulse
A. Scalar to Kinetic
B. Tickling - Bearden
C. Turn a knob - Keely
D. Spark - Tesla
XI Letter to Werner Zimmerman
XII Water
A. Water
B. Scalar to Kinetic - Cosmic Bridge
C. Ethericity
D. Water Vapor
A. Ennoblement
B. Ethericity
XIV Magnetism, Diamagnetism, Cavitation, Gravity
A. Magnetism
B. Diamagnetism
C. Cavitation
D. Gravity
XV Energy Gain
XVII Transformations, Evolution, Reproduction, Development
XVIII Organic Synthesis
XIX Heart Beat and Vibration Dynamics
XX 369
XXI Multiple Subdivisions - Ur sources to Kinetic Motion
XXII Schauberger Patents
XXIII Glossary
- A. Preface
- In the quiet corners of my study, amidst the stacks of books and the soft glow of lamplight, I have delved into the world of Viktor Schauberger. It is a realm of wonder and intrigue, a tapestry woven with the threads of science and nature's secrets. Until recently, I had only glimpsed the surface of Schauberger's genius, unaware of the depth of his contributions to the scientific community.
- It was within the pages of his seminal work, "The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature," that I first glimpsed the intricacies of his method. Like a master craftsman, Schauberger laid out his ideas with meticulous detail, each word a stepping stone on the path to understanding. As I immersed myself in his writings, I realized that his approach resonated with those of other visionaries such as Keely and Russell, albeit from a unique biological perspective.
- My journey through Schauberger's words is ongoing, a quest to unravel the mysteries concealed within his teachings. This outline I am creating, these notes scattered across the pages of my journal, are but a glimpse of the larger puzzle I am piecing together. With each passing day, the picture becomes clearer, revealing a method that echoes the timeless wisdom of those who came before. [Dale Pond, ChatGPT assisted]
- B. The Elements and 369 - Two Streams of Force [see XX 369]
Prologue - Mr. Keely experienced a transformative moment a few years ago, leading to a new conception that he believes holds the key to his success. This revelation, though kept secretive, has produced visible results indicating a shift from dealing with gaseous pressure to harnessing vibratory energy from space using resonating techniques. This energy, obtained through special apparatus, manifests as a duplex power with positive and negative conditions, akin to the polarities in electricity. By disturbing the equilibrium of these vibratory states in nature and using them in his devices, Mr. Keely claims to generate powerful mechanical motion based on the restoration of this disrupted equilibrium. [ChatGPT rendered]
- "So stood matters with Mr. Keely until a few years ago, when, fortunately for his hopes of success, a new conception came to him by accident, as he asserts; one of those happy accidents, it would appear, which only men of the unusual capacity called genius are ready to take advantage of. Just what this conception was, Mr. Keely, with business-like caution, keeps to himself. The public, for the present at least, must be content with its visible results; but these are sufficiently noteworthy to amply repay consideration. They indicate two things: First, that Mr. Keely is no longer dealing with a power arising from gaseous pressure; and, second, that he has made this power capable of producing rotation, levitation, and other effects of mechanical energy. What he claims, in regard to the source of his new system of power, is that he is able to draw vibratory energy directly from space by the aid of special resonating expedients, and that this energy can be made to yield powerful attractive and repulsive force and be converted into vigorous rotary motion through the use of certain apparatus. The power obtained, he asserts, is duplex, or has two opposed conditions, like the positive and negative states of electricity. Mr. Keely denominates these conditions positive and negative, though with the reservation that these terms do not imply excess and deficiency, but simply opposite conditions of energy. He is able, he declares, to disturb the equilibrium of these opposed states of vibratory activity as they exist in the elements of nature, to draw them separately into his apparatus, and to produce mechanical motion as a result of the effort of nature to restore the disturbed equilibrium." [Apergy - Power Without Cost], [See Figure 13.14 - Equilibrium as Reciprocal Forces, Rhythmic Balanced Interchange]
- C. Mind/Brain as source of Scalar Potential - Keely’s Mechanical Brain Device
Prologue - In the vast expanse of his visionary mind, Keely conceived not just machines but marvels that mirrored the very essence of humanity. His vibrophone, a device attuned to the subtle symphony of sound, echoed the intricate design of the human ear. Each component, meticulously crafted, captured the essence of auditory perception, transforming vibrations into distinct tones long after the initial sound had faded.
Yet, it was in the creation of his "liberator" that Keely's ingenuity transcended mere mechanics. While not a literal replica of a human form, this instrument bore a striking resemblance to the complexity of the human head. Its parts, intricately interwoven, mirrored the functions and interplay of cranial elements, hinting at a deeper understanding of the harmonious relationship between man and machine.
As we delve into Keely's world, we unravel not just the secrets of his inventions but also the profound connection he perceived between the creations of science and the intricacies of human physiology. Join me on a journey through the realms of Keely's mind, where innovation and inspiration converge to unlock the mysteries of the "liberator" and beyond. [ChatGPT rendered]
- "In the image of man" Keely constructed his liberator. Not literally, but, as his vibrophone (for collecting the waves of sound and making each wave distinct from the other in tone when the "wave plate" is struck after the sound has died away) is constructed after the human ear so his liberator corresponds in its parts to the human head. [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
- Keely harnessed Mind Force in his devices and machines:
Prologue - In the depths of Keely's contemplations, beyond the realm of ordinary perception, lies a profound understanding of the forces that shape existence. He speaks of "will force," a spiritual essence not bound by conventional classifications of matter, yet intricately woven into the fabric of creation. This latent power, luminous in its origin within the cerebral domain, defies quantification, for all the thoughts ever conceived would not yield even a molecule of substance.
Keely delves into the concept of the soul, a dynamic force intertwined with the sympathetic elements of the universe. This indefinable essence, locked within the interstitial embrace of matter, guides the triple streams of celestial and terrestrial energies. It is the vital link between the polar negative envelope of our planet and the celestial radiations, orchestrating the symphony of life.
He unravels the intricate machinery of the polar negative machine, likening it to a mechanical brain harmonized with celestial outreach. This system of sympathetic association, ordained by the Creator, governs the movements of matter and the evolution of life itself.
As Keely contemplates the eternal truths embedded in nature's rhythms, he laments the diminishing understanding of spiritual philosophy in modern times. He harkens back to the ancients, whose mythological insights reveal a profound grasp of the divine essence permeating all existence, from the cosmic to the cellular level.
Join me as we journey through Keely's philosophical musings, delving into the essence of will force and the timeless truths that resonate through the ages. [ChatGPT rendered]
- "Will force," writes Keely, "is a latent, spiritual element, neither gaseous nor otherwise. Its evolution is brought into action under certain spiritual conditions not now understood by science. Its protoplastic element is actually luminous, in respect to its latent flow from the cerebral domain; but all the flow that has ever been registered from the time of the birth of every volume of thought - all that ever existed, or will ever exist in the future - would not produce a substance of matter the size of a molecule." [The Action of Force is Spiro-Vortex]"I call this indefinable, latent element," he writes, "the soul of the sympathetic elements in which it manifests, itself; and which until now has been locked up in their interstitial embrace. It is the leader of all triple streams, associated with the polar negative envelope of our planet and the one most sympathetically concordant to celestial radiation. In our individual organisms, the latent soul-forces, existing in the cerebral domain, are sympathetically subservient to the celestial radiating force whereby they are stimulated into action in controlling the movements of our bodies. Take away this latent element from the brain and the physical organism becomes an inert, dead mass; on the same order as a mechanical device without an energy to operate it.
"The polar negative machine is a mechanical brain, with all the adjuncts associated with it to sympathetically receive and distribute the polar negative force. Its sympathetic transmitter (corresponding to our sun in our planetary system, transmitting all energy from the central sun of the universe) is the medium whereby sympathetic concordance is established between it and polar sympathy. The requisites for polarizing and depolarizing keep up the action of the machine as long as it is associated with the transmitter. The force which operates the mechanical is the same as that which operates the physical brain; purely mental, emanating from celestial outreach. There is nothing in the range of philosophy which so satisfies the intellect as the comprehension of this wondrous system of sympathetic association, planned by the Creator of the celestial and terrestrial universe, for the government of all forms of matter.
"Nature cannot rebel against herself. The flowers of spring cannot resist the sympathetic force which calls them into bloom, any more than the latent force in intermolecular spaces can rebel and remain in neutral depths when sympathetic vibration calls it forth.
"What is the soul but life in latent suspension? The motion exhibited in matter shows that its soul is ever present; and yet there are men of great learning, as taught in the schools, who, after spending their lives in researching all forms of matter, deny that all living things depend on one everlasting Creator and Ruler, in whom they live and move and have their being through all time, as much as when He first breathed into them the breath of celestial radiation; and to whom they are as closely allied, still, by the workings of the great cosmical law of sympathetic association, as when the evolutionary work of creation commenced.
"The ancients were far better schooled in spiritual philosophy than are we of the present age. Their mythological records, in their symbolical meaning, prove this fact. They recognized this latent element as the very breath of the Almighty; the sympathetic outflow of the trinity of force, the triple spiritual essence of God Himself. Their conceptions of Deity were greater and truer than our own. From them we learn that when God said 'Let there be light,' He liberated the latent celestial element that illuminates the world: that when He breathed into man the breath of life, He impregnated him with that latent soul element that made him a living and moving being."" [Veil Withdrawn, Latent Energy]
- D. Fulcrum, Scalar, Light, Mind, Neutral Center [see List of Synonyms for Scalar]
- “Our creative thinkers in the laboratories of the world must look primarily to light (scalar potential), which is considered the foundation of the universe, and to the wave (polar expression), within which the secrets of creation lie, and to what electricity does with light, and to the why of it, and to the why of energy electrically expressed instead of to substances to perform tomorrow’s miracles.” [Walter Russell]
- "True philosophy, when reached, said Professor George Bush, will conduct us into the realm of the spiritual as the true region of causes, and will disclose new and unthought of relations between the world of matter and of mind.
It is these unthought of relations which Keely's system of sympathetic physics brings to light; opening out a field for research which lies beyond the boundaries of our present knowledge. As yet he has been unable to satisfy his own penetrating mind in regard to all the hypothesis which his various discoveries have led him into formulating. He has himself, in his search for truth, pursued the wrong path too often, and made too many errors, not to welcome refutation of them, and acknowledge his mistakes when brought before him.
The title which he has given to the latent current of the triune polar flow that he discovered in 1872, "polar negative attraction," undoubtedly conveys the idea that this flow is an agent closely allied to magnetism; but such is not the case.
This latent element exists in the interstitial conditions of all nature's triple streams of force; in electricity, in magnetism, in gravity; and is the dominant current in each of these, maintaining a sympathetic relation to the high or compound luminous, which manifests itself when the proper mechanical requirements are used. It is entirely foreign in character to the elements now in commercial use. Researchers will always find before them a limitless beyond, comprehended only by the Infinite One." [Veil Withdrawn]
"Science admits that nature works with dual force, though at rest she is a unit. "Nature is one eternal cycle." Keely's discoveries prove that the doctrine of the Trinity should be set down as an established canon of science - the Trinity of force. All nature's sympathetic streams - cerebellic, gravital, electric and magnetic - are made up of triple currents. The ancients understood this dogma in a far deeper sense than modern theology has construed it. The great and universal Trinity of cause, motion and matter - or of will, thought and manifestation - was known to the Rosicrucians as prima materia. Paracelsus states that each of these three is also the other two; for, as nothing can possibly exist without cause, matter and energy - that is, spirit, matter and soul (the ultimate cause of existence being that it exists), we may therefore look upon all forms of activity as being the action of the universal or Divine will operating upon and through the ether, as the skilled artificer uses his tools to accomplish his designs; making the comparison in all reverence." [Bloomfield-Moore, More Science]
- E. Refraction, Differentiation, Disturbance of Equilibrium [see List of Synonyms for Disturbance of Equilibrium]
Summary -
- "To say more about this here would be pointless, because up to now nobody knew anything about the ur-causal energies that dwell in every substance, and especially in very ordinary pebbles. When these are rubbed together under water they produce a gleam of cold light. This is an indication that the bipolar basic elements are mature, ready for release and can be used to generate those forms of temperature, which maintain us and all we see around us in the unstable thermal equilibrium that maintains health. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
"In an already higher form as invisible suspensions, these same substances are contained in the carrier of life-substances - water - and can be made free and active with the use of Repulsators. In their relatively highest evolved form these bacteriophagous threshold stocks are to be found in the air. These indifferent elements of intermediate substances can be liberated by means of cycloid-space-curve-motion in so-called Repulsines, resulting in the intimate fusing of the former carrier-substances, which exit from the lower end of the apparatus, and immediately interact with the surrounding difference-matter, namely substances of a highly polarised nature. This leads to the formation of new juvenile air, which strives to displace itself upwards, because this increased, qualitatively-improved, evolutionally-older air cannot mix with the surrounding older air-masses, which have a different potential." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
"Conversely, similar formative and levitative energies are created in front of the intake through primary processes of synthesis. These, for example, enable the trout to stand motionless in torrential streams, or to flee like lightning upstream when danger threatens. This is a phenomenon that cannot be explained mechanically, because the free-standing trout must not only over-come its own body-weight, but also the weight of the oncoming water. It overcomes this all the more easily, the more rapidly and torrentially the water containing these valuable threshold suspensions flows, which are reactivated by the cycloid-space-curve systems of the trout's gills. In consort with the above supplementary energies, which squeeze the tear-shaped body of the trout forwards (see fig. 38(a), they then give rise to the above phenomenon. In a similar manner, naturalesquely constructed aeroplanes, submarines, or long-range weapons (air and water torpedoes) can be made to move silently through the air or water at any desired speed and almost without cost. Stationary machines of all kinds can also be powered by reactive fuels, which require neither mining nor other forms of extraction, because they are already present in superfluity. These are the allotropic bacteriophagous elements, which merely await the cycloid motive impulse in order to function as miniature dynamos and which through their translatory energies automatically produce the power that intensifies by the square. This explains the tremendously high velocities characteristic of those most highly developed expansive forces - ray formations." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
In order to throw more light on their origins, there are two types of seeds:
- 1. Those responsible for all physical forms of growth, which according to their degree of maturity fall down and upon returning into the earth, germinate and produce the increased and qualitatively ennobled forms of growth. These are the provenances of sweet-matter (carbones), or the
- 2. Seminal fruits, which having fulfilled their reproductive function, become dormant, die off and become the seminal substances, as it were, for the creation of quality-matter, which after decomposition are then transmuted through 'cycloid-space-curve-motion'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
"By means of progressive interactions with reactive forms of potential, this results in the segregation of those elements, which in the form of allotropic intermediate substances were left untouched, whereas the more inferior substances descend even further under even stronger influences of heat and are even further broken down. Once again what is still useful will be precipitated out and deposited, until the most inferior substances of all attain their relatively lowest state of evolvement and thereby their greatest degree of separation from the most noble, which on the other side has risen to the highest state. In terms of its height and depth, this is how the above threshold-element deposit comes into being. Therefore through a graduated process of deposition according to quality, the variously potentiated indifferent elements have different developmental periods. Those with a smaller separation interact earlier than the others, and logically, have to cover shorter developmental paths in order to reach the next higher evolved state." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
"The trick was then to discover the appropriate development-facilitating forms in which, through intensified cycloid motion, even the relatively low-quality seminal-fruits sucked in by Repulsines together with their carrier substances of water or air, could also be whirled around at high speed in cycloid-space-curves." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
"At the same time oligodynamic (decay-promoting) and catalytic (growth promoting) secondary influences also evolve and in this way the process of formation and transformation can take place within seconds due to the slip-pressures and suctional forces, which intensify by the square. This is how it is possible to build up the 'ur-primordial' levitative and supplementary forces in the form of metaphysical suctional and pressural forces almost without cost, in other words the creation of an energy-gradient, which 'ur-originates', as it were, from dynamic elements in a latent state. This opens the way for practically exploitable atom-transformation, or expressed otherwise, for the transubstantiation of former matter (fatty-matter) into negatively potentiated dynagens, those spiritual animating and dynamising energies; a transmutation that has been demonstrated many times over two millennia by the priest when making the symbolic sign of the cross over the Holy Grail - the extreme egg-shape (the calyx). All that hitherto was lacking was the practical design - the model - that proves what is actually obvious, namely, that with annihilating fire and decay-promoting forms of heat, no form of culture can develop. These models, which are now operational and available, merely await the 'extreme unction', as it were, in order to set them in motion and thus inaugurate a new age of development, wherein all privation and other problems will come to a natural end." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy, pages 71-73]
"Creation is but a swing of the cosmic pendulum from inertia, through energy, and back again to inertia, forever and forever. It is but a series of opposing pulsations of action and reaction, integration and disintegration, gravitation and radiation, appearance and disappearance." [The Cosmic Pendulum]
- A. Order and Method
- ORDER: Orderly arrangement. Same as Subdivision, Gamut, Range, Dimension, degree, interval, step or delta of a range. Sometimes considered as divisions within a subdivision.
- Also Order refers to the ordering (organizing) power of Syntropy to make order out of chaos. **Also as most used within Sympathetic Vibratory Physics a varying change of state over time, progressively. [See Keelys orders, Laws of Being]
- METHOD: ’’"I shall not forestall an unproved conclusion, but fight step by step the dark paths I am exploring, knowing that, should I succeed in proving one single fact in science heretofore unknown, I shall in so doing be rewarded in the highest degree. In whatever direction the human mind travels it comes quickly to a boundary line which it cannot pass. There is a knowable field of research, bordered by an unknown tract. My experience teaches me how narrow in the strip of territory which belongs to the knowable, how very small the portion that has been traversed and taken possession of. The further we traverse this unknown territory, the stronger will become our faith in the immovable order of the world; for, at each advancing step, we find fresh fruits of the immutable laws that reign over all things,- from the falling apple, up to the thoughts, the words, the deeds, the will of man: and we find these laws irreversible and eternal, order and method reigning throughout the universe. Some details of this universal method have been worked up, and we know them by the names of 'gravitation,' 'chemical affinity,' 'nerve-power,' etc. These material certainties are as sacred as moral certainties. . . . The nearest approaches to a certainty is made through harmony with nature's laws. The surest media are those which nature has laid out in her wonderful workings. The man who deviates from these paths will suffer the penalty of a defeat, as is seen in the record of 'perpetual motion' seekers. I have been classed with such dreamers; but I find consolation in the thought that it is only by those men who are utterly ignorant of the great and marvellous truths which I have devoted my life to demonstrate and to bring within reach of all. I believe the time is near at hand when the principles of etheric evolution will be established, and when the world will be eager to recognize and accept a system that will certainly create a revolution for the highest benefits of mankind, inaugurating an era undreamed of by those who are now ignorant of the existence of this etheric force."'' [Keely, Progressive Science]
- B. Etheric Evolution
- "He [Keely] defines gravity as transmittive interetheric force under immense etheric vibration. He continues: "The action of the mind itself is a vibratory etheric evolution, controlling the physical, its negative power depreciatory in its effects and its positive influence elevating." [Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 2]
- ’’"I shall not forestall an unproved conclusion, but fight step by step the dark paths I am exploring, knowing that, should I succeed in proving one single fact in science heretofore unknown, I shall in so doing be rewarded in the highest degree. In whatever direction the human mind travels it comes quickly to a boundary line which it cannot pass. There is a knowable field of research, bordered by an unknown tract. My experience teaches me how narrow in the strip of territory which belongs to the knowable, how very small the portion that has been traversed and taken possession of. The further we traverse this unknown territory, the stronger will become our faith in the immovable order of the world; for, at each advancing step, we find fresh fruits of the immutable laws that reign over all things,- from the falling apple, up to the thoughts, the words, the deeds, the will of man: and we find these laws irreversible and eternal, order and method reigning throughout the universe. Some details of this universal method have been worked up, and we know them by the names of 'gravitation,' 'chemical affinity,' 'nerve-power,' etc. These material certainties are as sacred as moral certainties. . . . The nearest approaches to a certainty is made through harmony with nature's laws. The surest media are those which nature has laid out in her wonderful workings. The man who deviates from these paths will suffer the penalty of a defeat, as is seen in the record of 'perpetual motion' seekers. I have been classed with such dreamers; but I find consolation in the thought that it is only by those men who are utterly ignorant of the great and marvellous truths which I have devoted my life to demonstrate and to bring within reach of all. I believe the time is near at hand when the principles of etheric evolution will be established, and when the world will be eager to recognize and accept a system that will certainly create a revolution for the highest benefits of mankind, inaugurating an era undreamed of by those who are now ignorant of the existence of this etheric force."'' [Keely, Progressive Science]
- C. Liberation of Scalar Potential or Mind Force
- "The sympathetic acoustic exciters, or impulses, are; 1st the third diatonic; 2nd the harmonic sixths neutralizing affinity; 3rd the enharmonic ninths - positive acceleration, which induces infinite trajective velocity from neutral centers; in other words, neutral radiation.
"Every molecule in nature represents, without variation, the same chord. Variations that show up in the mass chord of different visible aggregations, are accounted for by the non-uniformity of their molecular groupings. If all were molecularly homogenous, the chord masses of all structures would be perfectly alike in their resonant impulses.
A computation of the conditions, already shown up in part, proves conclusively that the power of an electric magnetic wave at an Outreach of ten inches would be, if properly developed, equal to a lifting force of 36,000 pounds on a disk but three inches in diameter. Ten of such on the periphery of a vibratory disk, 36 inches in diameter, would represent 360,000 pounds actual lift at one revolution per minute. Perfect depolarization at 100 times per minute would represent 360,000,000 pounds, lifted twelve times per minute, or 1000 horse power in the same time. An excess of 100 extra revolutions, under the same conditions, would mean 2000 horse power per minute.
By this new system, to perfect which I am now devoting all my time and my energies, dynamos will become a thing of the past, eventually, and electric lighting will be conducted by a polar negative disk, independent of extraneous power to run it, other than that of sympathetic polar attraction, as simple in its construction almost, as an ordinary typewriting machine.
When the triple introductory impulse is transmitted towards the mass to be sensitized, it subserves the molecular concordant thirds and antagonizes the discordant sixths extending the range of their oscillating paths; and thus induces the highest order of repellant antagonism towards the center of neutral equilibrium.
"We will now follow out, in their progressive orders, the conditions necessary to give to these acoustic introductory impulses the power, as transmitted through the proper media, to induce molecular dissociation.
"First: If I wish to disturb and bring into action the latent force held in the embrace of any molecular mass, I first find out what the harmonic chord or note of its mass represents; and as no two masses are alike, it would seem to necessitate an infinite number of variations to operate on different masses; but such is not the case. All masses can be subserved to one general condition by the compound mechanical devices which I use for the purpose. We will suppose that the mass to be experimented upon, when chorded, represents B flat. Then, first, the negative radiating focalizing bar on the disk is liberated from its dampening rod, and associated with the magnetic defocalizing one. There are seven ranges of bars in all. (See symbol representing sympathetic transmissive chord of B flat, third octave on third diatonic.)
"The seven assemblings are in this order: [ADD IMAGE HERE]
- D. God’s Full Process of Creation
- "Every effect of motion, whatsoever, in this universe is an electric effect. Electric EFFECTS are multiple projections from One Magnetic Light CAUSE. As there is no other force which creates this miracle of Creation there can be no theory of motion, or of construction of matter, which is outside of the electric process. This entire electric process is completely demonstrated on just one cycle of the electric current. One cycle is the centripetal journey of a pair of divided units from their zero cathode to its multiplied amplitude, where pairs are united, and the return centrifugal journey to their cathode for rest.
That is all there is to the creative process. That process is the same whether in microcosmic or macrocosmic scale. There is not one process for atoms and another for stellar systems. That same process is repeated in every action-reaction of Nature, whether it be the lifting of an eyelash or the explosion of tons of dynamite - or whether it be one's breath cycle, or casting a fish line into the sea. Our first step is to depict that simple process which has no variation in Nature, whether its vibratory frequencies are six billion frequencies per second or one frequency in fifty billion years." [Atomic Suicide, page 129]
Summary -
III Polarity, Difference, Potential, Bias
Prologue -
- The last paragraph is already rather difficult to understand, because today nobody knows the true meaning of the expression 'product of organic synthesis'. Such a person is therefore unable to understand that here too, as elsewhere, differences also exist.
Differences are very noteworthy things, and for this reason: Without differences in charge or potential, for example, there would be no motion of any kind, and therefore in terms of the above interpretation, there would be no reproduction or further development; in a word, there would be no evolution.
Conversely, this means that the generation or ur-procreation of naturalesque differences actuates naturalesque forms of motion through which, for example, 'evolution' can be formed and fashioned in countless ways. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- A. Origin of the Two Streams of Forces - 369 [see XX 369]
- Question: And where do these sympathetic conditions or streams of force have their origin?
- Answer: "All sympathetic conditions, or streams of force, are derived (if we dare to make use of such a term in speaking of Deity) from the cerebral convolutions of the Infinite; from the center of the vast realm of the compound luminous. From the celestial intermediate, the brain of Deity, proceed the sympathetic flows that vitalize the polar terrestrial forces." Keely see Table 15.02 - Triune Polar Streams Read more here: https://svpwiki.com/KEELYS-PHYSICAL-PHILOSOPHY---Snell
"Mother and father reverse their spectrum positions, however. The womb of the mother is on the inside and the father surrounds it by a ring, such as one sees in the Lyra Nebula. One can also see the birth of a new star in the very center of that great black cathode hole which the mother womb is. That is the way that God turns the anodes of His thinking inside out to rest, and outside in to again become anodes. God's process of creating bodies through sex interchange is based upon the sex urge of the divided color spectrum of light to void its color divisions and become the White Light of rest from which its tensions were extended." [Atomic Suicide, page 117]
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"The most obvious fact of Nature is its repetition in reverse of every effect of motion in two-way pulsing cycles. It is unaccountably strange that science has never observed this most obvious of all of Nature's characteristics. Every cycle in Nature is a two-way, equal interchange between pairs of opposite conditions. That interchange between the equally balanced anodes and cathodes of this electric wave universe constitute its pulsing heartbeat, which likewise is cyclic, otherwise it would not continue." [Russell, Home Study Course. See Law of Assimilation]
"The rests in harmony correspond with silence in the Scriptures, both limiting and illimitable. But there is this essential difference: musical instruments can only be tuned to a certain pitch, whereas the Bible will never need fresh editions or corrections, but as it always has unfolded, it always will unfold, as it is necessary to meet our higher mental powers. I believe that, eventually, scientific minds will arrive at the conclusion that all the energies around us arise from the laws which regulate the life of matter, and cause the continual development of trinities from unities. Continuity everywhere adapts simple laws to wondrous workings. If we evade the belief in the development of trinities, this scheme falls to the ground. We can conceive no grander idea of the power, wisdom, and love of the Parent of the universe than that of His following out His own characteristics, knowing that at any moment, if His life-giving power were withdrawn, all would crumble into dust. Let us link with this thought these glorious promises—" [Harmonies of Tones and Colours, Scripture Compared with Scripture, page 47]
SEE Hughes’ quotes in Harmony. Lots of important material there about trinities from unities.
- B. Twos [see Mate-Pairs, polar, Opposites, Allotropes]
- The two types or phases of liquid, gas or plasma may be differentiated via differences of temperature, pressure, density, states of motion or all of these. [see LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS]
- a) Two types of Water
- "If this current is conducted through strongly insulated resistances, then cool, juvenile water, free of other ingredients is produced, which exhibits an uncommonly high dissolving capacity and cohesive power. Conducted into a hinged lever, which hangs down, this current stands it upright. It also causes pendulums to gyrate in peculiar looping, twisting movements." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
- "This product of synthesis is characterised by the fact that the ratio between oxygen and its carbone counterpart is 4% : 96%, because all the remaining oxygen has been transformed into fertilising substances and then bound. Therefore the new product of synthesis has the highest negative valency and is of geospheric character. Certain factors relating to these processes should be noted: In the scientific synthesising process heat has a shrivelling effect on the decisive formative substance in its nascent state, while physical pressure ruptures its outer envelope. In the case of coal liquefaction by means of cold flows the increasing cooling on the developmental path acts to increase the potential. However, since the increase in the potential of the true formative substance is of a purely energetic nature, it would be unable to break through the outer envelope had this not been mechanically abraded through the circumvolution and inner rotation (about itself and its own axis) caused by the increasing frictional pressure arising from the doubly increased velocity of the whole water-body. These differences demand the closest attention and consideration. The product of synthesis obtained by means of cold flows, binds itself into its own waste product (juvenile water). Therefore apart from a new, fresh and more highly cultured energy, an associated carrier-substance of the highest order is also created at the expense of the gradually transforming (internally reconstituted) stocks of old water. This two-fold transformation represents the increase and the qualitative improvement of what has been quantitatively increased (the growth of water). The finished product is a crystal-clear water that has neither taste, nor smell, nor colour, because in this product of synthesis all kinds of things are on the loose or have been loosed (emancipated), i.e. they have been raised to the" [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- b) Two types of Motion
- "All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei)." [Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 57, p.5.]
- c) Two types of alloys
- d) Two carrier-substances
- e) Two potentials
- f) Two substances
- g) Two threshold-substances
- h) Two frequencies
- i) Two states, phases or conditions
- "This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin[21]. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- We therefore arrive at the following transformative phenomena:
1. The inner constituents freed through mechanical abrasion (removal of the outer envelope) are transferred into two different states due to the cooling of the carrier-substance. Through this increasing cooling the terrestrial substances or carbones attain their relatively highest potential.
2. The stocks of all forms of so-called oxygen travel down the middle and with increasing cooling become inactive and shrivel up like their counterparts, the beads of carbon dioxide in warmed water. At the same time these increasingly indifferent[17] fertilising substances (oxygen) are accelerated mechanically along the unrestricted (no guide-vanes) and shorter central axial path and are thereby dispersed, or dosed as it were. (see fig. 16)
3. Through the rising acceleration of the axially moving core-water-masses, the centrifugence of the swirling peripheral water-masses intensifies. This in turn increases the slip-pressure exerted by the suspended ingredients on the naturalesquely shaped and alloyed potential-increasing slip-resistances (guide-vanes). Due to the rising velocities the oligodynamic effect also increases, i.e. more and more supplementary influences are freed by the potential-intensifying frictional resistances and due to the water's careful..
- j) Two arcs
- k) Two temperatures (see Temperature)
- l) Difference
- After this introduction we shall now attempt to describe the enormous difference between differences in potential in the only way possible for an unscientific observer of Nature.
There are two observations that afford an insight into natural processes, which if taken to their proper conclusion, open up unimaginable possibilities. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
1- It is a known fact that in high pressure boilers a reflux from high to medium pressure takes place under certain circumstances without the hermetic seal being broken10. Up to now this occurrence could not be explained and because of it the manufacture of miniature pressurized boilers was abandoned, which meant, of course, that veritable mechanical monsters had to be put up with, which consumed a great deal of space and material. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
2- It is also known that minute bubbles of carbon dioxide (carbonic acid gas) appear in good high-spring water, if the water is exposed to the influence of light and heat. If the water is again cooled under the exclusion of light, then the bubbles disappear. The crystal-clear water, however, tastes empty and insipid even when cool. Its former full-bodied wholesomeness has therefore vanished without trace. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
A third case will be mentioned here, albeit briefly. If under very particular external influences good high-spring water is rotated at high speed in turbines with blades inclined at a certain angle, then on occasion the effective force rises exceptionally high; by calculation to peak pressures of about 32,000 atmospheres, leading to corrosive damage to the turbine blades. More detailed elaboration would take too long here, and therefore it should be enough to point out that these three phenomena are known facts. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
"These are the allotropic bacteriophagous elements, which merely await the cycloid motive impulse in order to function as miniature dynamos and which through their translatory energies automatically produce the power that intensifies by the square." page 73
- D. Polar Flow
Device for distributing Polar Flow. Notice similarity to three stand offs and three Actuators in next image.
Summary -
- Every developmental or redevelopmental process therefore has its characteristic source, which gives rise to one or the other activity (function).
This involves two temperature groups:
(A) the formative, life-affirming (incremental), and
(B) the disintegrative, life-negating (decremental).
[See T1 and T2.] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
- A. T1
- (a) Two different forms of temperature, which I shall refer to as T1 and T2. Conditioned by these temperatures and also closely associated with them, there also arise: [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- In Nature the purpose of temperature-form T1, which is associated with flow-form F1, is to transform [1]the condensed (allotropic) inner elements of organisms into aethero-energetic animating and kinetic energies. These T1 temperature-forms gives rise to falling and concentrating heat and exhibits rising and expanding cold effects. T2 triggers reduction processes and fosters apathogens. If T1 predominates, then an increase in raw materials and the qualitative improvement of all products of growth result. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- In Nature both temperature groups are active. Group A provides for the progressive build-up of what is suitable for higher development. Group B is responsible for the precipitating out, breaking down and disassembly of everything unfit for such purposes. This has to be removed and as a life-form must be annihilated, or expressed more correctly, reduced to the relatively lowest developmental state, prior to attempting a renewed ascent under entirely different influences. This temperature-group also becomes active when any given life-form has fulfilled the purpose of its existence, its duty to multiply itself physically or further develop itself. Withering away through decrepitude, and as an over-ripe product of raw material, it is then made available for the build-up of qualigen with the aid of A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger). However, if for any reason B-group temperatures (T2 - Schauberger) become active in the deceased substance, it will be putrefied, combusted or otherwise destroyed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
- Temperature group A (T1 - Schauberger) is entirely unknown in scientific circles today and is also missing in our conceptual and linguistic vocabulary. All that is known therefore are the so-called processes of oxidation, combustion or decomposition; the so-called reduction process being understood only in part. And this only to the extent to which it is responsible for the separation of both stocks of primary substances, namely the dissociation of the allotropic carbones and oxygenes present in deceased organic or inorganic structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
- In other words, either it is believed in such circles that progress as an individual ceases with the cessation of vital physical functions, or there is a definite interest in ensuring that, by inhibiting the production of qualigen by deliberately eliminating A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger), the dull-brained can never die out. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
- (a) Two different forms of temperature, which I shall refer to as T1 and T2. Conditioned by these temperatures and also closely associated with them, there also arise: [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
In Nature the purpose of temperature-form T1, which is associated with flow-form F1, is to transform [1]the condensed (allotropic) inner elements of organisms into aethero-energetic animating and kinetic energies. These T1 temperature-forms gives rise to falling and concentrating heat and exhibits rising and expanding cold effects. T2 triggers reduction processes and fosters apathogens. If T1 predominates, then an increase in raw materials and the qualitative improvement of all products of growth result. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
In Nature both temperature groups are active. Group A provides for the progressive build-up of what is suitable for higher development. Group B is responsible for the precipitating out, breaking down and disassembly of everything unfit for such purposes. This has to be removed and as a life-form must be annihilated, or expressed more correctly, reduced to the relatively lowest developmental state, prior to attempting a renewed ascent under entirely different influences. This temperature-group also becomes active when any given life-form has fulfilled the purpose of its existence, its duty to multiply itself physically or further develop itself. Withering away through decrepitude, and as an over-ripe product of raw material, it is then made available for the build-up of qualigen with the aid of A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger). However, if for any reason B-group temperatures (T2 - Schauberger) become active in the deceased substance, it will be putrefied, combusted or otherwise destroyed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
Temperature group A (T1 - Schauberger) is entirely unknown in scientific circles today and is also missing in our conceptual and linguistic vocabulary. All that is known therefore are the so-called processes of oxidation, combustion or decomposition; the so-called reduction process being understood only in part. And this only to the extent to which it is responsible for the separation of both stocks of primary substances, namely the dissociation of the allotropic carbones and oxygenes present in deceased organic or inorganic structures. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
In other words, either it is believed in such circles that progress as an individual ceases with the cessation of vital physical functions, or there is a definite interest in ensuring that, by inhibiting the production of qualigen by deliberately eliminating A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger), the dull-brained can never die out. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
- B. T2
- (a) Two different forms of temperature, which I shall refer to as T1 and T2. Conditioned by these temperatures and also closely associated with them, there also arise: [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- To contemporary technology, physics and chemistry the following are so far unknown:
- 1. The form of motion used by Nature herself (i.e. the cycloid-space-curve as the creative form-originating motion);
- 2. The temperature-form T2;
- 3. The flow-forms F1 and F2 and the phenomena of elemental transformation resulting from them. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- In Nature the purpose of temperature-form T1, which is associated with flow-form F1, is to transform [1]the condensed (allotropic) inner elements of organisms into aethero-energetic animating and kinetic energies. These T1 temperature-forms gives rise to falling and concentrating heat and exhibits rising and expanding cold effects. T2 triggers reduction processes and fosters apathogens. If T1 predominates, then an increase in raw materials and the qualitative improvement of all products of growth result. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- Temperature-form T2, which is related to flow-form F2, is generally known to contemporary technology, physics and chemistry. Its purpose in Nature is to precipitate out what has been decomposed, but not decayed, through F2 flow-forms, or what is unsuitable for the purposes of the next higher form of development. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- T2 temperature-forms exhibit rising and expanding forms of heat and falling (decadent) and condensing (concentrating) forms of cold. T2 furthers bacterial life. If T2 temperatures predominate, then a reduction in raw materials coupled with a simultaneous thriving parasitic activity results, the effect of which again reinforces the removal for reprocessing of everything unsuitable for higher purposes. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, NEW FORMS OF TEMPERATURE]
- In Nature both temperature groups are active. Group A provides for the progressive build-up of what is suitable for higher development. Group B is responsible for the precipitating out, breaking down and disassembly of everything unfit for such purposes. This has to be removed and as a life-form must be annihilated, or expressed more correctly, reduced to the relatively lowest developmental state, prior to attempting a renewed ascent under entirely different influences. This temperature-group also becomes active when any given life-form has fulfilled the purpose of its existence, its duty to multiply itself physically or further develop itself. Withering away through decrepitude, and as an over-ripe product of raw material, it is then made available for the build-up of qualigen with the aid of A-group temperatures (T1 - Schauberger). However, if for any reason B-group temperatures (T2 - Schauberger) become active in the deceased substance, it will be putrefied, combusted or otherwise destroyed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Bio-Technology: Active and Reactive Temperatures]
- Russell
"God divides the stillness of His omnipresent Oneness into mated pairs, and simultaneously multiplies their power to simulate His omnipotence and omniscience through fast centripetal motion. He then unites His mated pairs to simulate His Oneness, and simultaneously multiplies their speed of centrifugal motion until they disappear into His omnipresent stillness." [Russell, Atomic Suicide?, An Open Letter, III, page xxix]
"Temperature is a dimension of relative and opposing pressures as expressed in its opposites, heat and cold. ?"The popular concept that temperature measures only the degree of heat is not in conformity with the laws of motion. ?"Heat is improperly presumed to be an effect of motion which is operative in both directions. ?"In other words, that which we call cold is assumed to be less heat. ?"This idea must be eliminated from man's thinking. Heat and cold are as much the opposites of temperature dimension as positive and negative electricity, contraction pressure and expansion pressure are opposites of other dimensions." Russell, The Universal One
God is the fulcrum of man, and of the universe. Neither man nor any moving thing in the universe, has power within himself to do anything. All power expressed by man must be extended directly from the Father in heaven to His father-mother lights of earths and heavens which manifest Him.
The mechanical principle by means of which power is expressed by the Creator is in the light waves of two-way motion which record His two-way thinking Waves are two-way cycles which are divided equally to express the two desires of Mind to create form images of Mind imagining and to destroy those forms sequentially for reforming.
Waves of motion spring from the stillness of the universal equilibrium. They are the universal heartbeat which manifest eternal life and power in God's stillness by eternal repetitions of simulated life and power as expressed in waves of motion.
Waves of motion express the power of desire for unbalance and motion which is in Light at rest, and they also express the opposite desire for balance and rest which is in motion.
Desire in the One Light of Mind is positive. Its expression in the two lights of opposed motion is negative. Every expression of power in Nature is negated by its opposite expression.
The senses are limited to the perception of but one of these negations at a time, and then only in small fractions of whole cycles. If the senses could record the whole of each cycle both ways, they would record stillness, not motion, for every action would be voided by its oppositely flowing reaction. [Walter Russell, The Secret of Light]
"The axis of the controlling plane of each elemental line has been extended to its opposing focal point and attached to its opposite element. This is indicated by rectangles in order to call attention to their parallel positions. The universal gyroscope assorts all states of motion by their planes of gyration. Like planes seek each other. The four tones of any octave exactly equal four tones of any other octave in mass energy. To crowd their accumulated forces into smaller volume does not in any way alter their energy." [Mathematical Relations are Constant]
Mathematical Relations are Constant
The mathematical relations of any wave of energy never change. All dimensions expand and contract in opposite directions of the same ratio." Mathematical Relations are Constant
Graphics of these cube values
Will and counterwill are functions of the temperatures that arise for one reason or another. Work is a function of the temperatures that lie above or below the turning point or point of intersection - the anomaly point - in which all life arises (zero-point). It is of similar nature to what we experience as the 'present', which is a function of an on-going extremely high velocity flow. This flow is an eternal motion-of-creation, which in turn gives rise to a constant creation-of-motion.[1] Thus we arrive at the fallacy and the explanation of the life that lies between birth and burial, which is the illusion that clothes evolution with reality. Temperature is thus the difference between differences, out of which the ceaseless movement of evolution arises, which is itself the product of tensions resulting from the contrasting directions of movement. [From Schauberger, The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature - Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2,1993, section 3.1]
Summary -
- Repulsator - This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin21. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Summary -
VI Movement, Motion
Prologue -
- A. First Motion that creates the Preconditions for Life or Death
- What triggers this reaction is the well-known dynamics of the sexual urge, which re-establishes equilibrium between intolerable differences in tension and potential. Because these differences are always present, this original form of movement will constantly be provoked by a motivating force that never wanes. As a form of motion, we are here primarily concerned with the motion that the Earth has demonstrated to us since the beginning of time. Referred to as 'cycloid-space-curve-motion', it is synonymous with what the naturalistic doctor calls the 'life-creating life-spiral', and the biotechnologist calls 'double screw-form wave motion'. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Economy Founded on Reactively Produced Energy]
Another maxim states: "All life arises from motion." Since it known that without death there would be no life, there must be two forms of motion. One that produces the life-state and another that creates the preconditions for this to happen. In other words, there must be two completely different types of motion, which function in equally different ways. One of them produces the 'physical' life-state, whereas the other the prerequisites for it4 by initiating the 'metaphysical' transformation and actuating the processes through which the products of this form of motion can be brought into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water] page 91
The motion of a free-falling water-droplet is characterized by the 'cycloid-space-curve', which the droplet describes as it falls. To describe this form of motion, which gives rise to the metaphysical preconditions for life, in greater detail, which one or two doctors have called the 'life-creating curve', would take too long here. It is therefore here only to be noted that the horizontal emission of dynagens is associated with a spiral configuration of curves, whose transverse radius of action broadens down the longitudinal fall-path. page 92
"The raw materials out of which this fine matter arises under very specific preconditions, consist of the naturalesquely interred earthly remnants (faecal matter) of former life. On no account are they senselessly and purposelessly reduced to dust and ashes, but once again, under particular preconditions, they develop into the 'peculiar' axis in the form of the formative and levitative current mentioned earlier. This spiritualising and uplifting current, which inwinds, upwardly impels and whirls around like a tornado, is partially condensed by the above heat-forms and can be readily measured and generated in any quantity and quality almost without cost. By means of this formative and levitative current all growth can be increased and qualitatively improved almost at will, and any weight can be lifted or moved indirectly at any desired speed rotationally and / or vertically with a power that increases by the square." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
The motion of a free-falling water-droplet is characterised by the 'cycloid-space-curve', which the droplet describes as it falls. To describe this form of motion, which gives rise to the metaphysical preconditions for life, in greater detail, which one or two doctors have called the 'life-creating curve', would take too long here. It is therefore here only to be noted that the horizontal emission of dynagens is associated with a spiral configuration of curves, whose transverse radius of action broadens down the longitudinal fall-path. page 91
In patented double-spiral-flow pipes the peripheral water-masses are caused to swirl within and about themselves and around the central pipe-axis. This produces differences in potential between the peripheral and core waters, which lead to an accelerated flow resulting from the energising and ennobling of the bio-dynamically moved water. page 95
- B. Second Motion that creates Life or Death
- Another maxim states: "All life arises from motion." Since it known that without death there would be no life, there must be two forms of motion. One that produces the life-state and another that creates the preconditions for this to happen. In other words, there must be two completely different types of motion, which function in equally different ways. One of them produces the 'physical' life-state, whereas the other the prerequisites for it[4] by initiating the 'metaphysical' transformation and actuating the processes through which the products of this form of motion can be brought into being. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water] page 91
The motion of a free-falling water-droplet is characterised by the 'cycloid-space-curve', which the droplet describes as it falls. To describe this form of motion, which gives rise to the metaphysical preconditions for life, in greater detail, which one or two doctors have called the 'life-creating curve', would take too long here. It is therefore here only to be noted that the horizontal emission of dynagens is associated with a spiral configuration of curves, whose transverse radius of action broadens down the longitudinal fall-path. page 91
In patented double-spiral-flow pipes the peripheral water-masses are caused to swirl within and about themselves and around the central pipe-axis. This produces differences in potential between the peripheral and core waters, which lead to an accelerated flow resulting from the energising and ennobling of the bio-dynamically moved water. page 95
Let us consider, for example, a fully-developed ovum in the body of a fertile woman. The reproductive product, the child, can only be woken to life through a particular forward motion, which takes place first. This leads to the influx of the fertilising substance, to independent life and thus to autonomous movement. For this process wise Nature made provision for certain changes in shape associated with aroused or excited states without which the coming to life of a child is impossible. page 98
- C. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion
- "This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin[21]. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- D. Separating the two bipolar substances
- E. Three Earth motions - https://youtu.be/AW_NFPb6WlI
Summary -
VII Double Spiral Pipe
Prologue -
- Through the indirectly engendered cooling the density increases, whereby the frictional pressure is intensified by the mechanically-induced increase in velocity. The arrangement of the guide-vanes causes a spiral circumvolution, so that the bipolar ingredients, which rub against one another flow all the faster as their volume is reduced by the constant abrasion. Apart from the circumfluent motion another form of motion is also active which causes the bodies of the ingredients to swirl about their own axes and ensures their abrasion on all sides.
Here it should be noted that experiments established that all substances of terrestrial origin16 react to centrifugence, whereas the higher refluent or inward-falling substances, namely all forms of so-called oxygen, react to centripetence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
[7] This patent is not to be confused with French patent No. 1.057.576, which relates to the double-spiral pipe described under 'Processes and Equipment for the Conveyance of Liquid, Gaseous or Aeriform Media', p. 107 of this book. It may thus apply to another patent, perhaps for a Repulsator or Repulsine. On the other hand, since both numbers are virtually the same except for one digit, it may also be a typographical error. — Ed. ?[8] See Gastons Naessens' research into the effect of nitrogen on cancer. The Persecution and Trial of Gastons Naessens by Christopher Bird. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines]
In 1933 a proposal was presented to the Alpine-Montan company stating that the ore from iron ore deposits could be delivered to Donawitz, not at the current price of about 3.50 schillings per tonne by rail, but at a cost of about 0.30 schillings per tonne by means of a patented double-spiral-flow pipe (see fig. 16)[5]. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
In patented double-spiral-flow pipes the peripheral water-masses are caused to swirl within and about themselves and around the central pipe-axis. This produces differences in potential between the peripheral and core waters, which lead to an accelerated flow resulting from the energising and ennobling of the bio-dynamically moved water. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
It would deviate too far from the theme at hand to elaborate the inner processes of motion of naturally or unnaturally conducted water in greater detail. It is worth mentioning briefly, however, that the water discharged from such an ore transportation system is the most ideal regulator of the downstream flow regime of a river below it, because the enormous energies generated through double spiral conduction restore the river's kinetic energies, which to a certain extent were lost through its unnatural regulation. Compared with current methods of transporting the present 3 million tonnes of ore by rail, not only can 9 million Marks be saved, but the large rivers can be reinvigorated at the same time, thus becoming dynamic, fresh and healthy through an unimaginable boost of energy from the double-spiral-flow pipe installation. Fresh and healthy water is the first priority for the culture of any country. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes]
This pipe should be laid to a particular gradient and oriented in certain direction[13]. It should then be charged with water - the best kind being sea-water thoroughly irradiated by the Sun - to which coal dust, carbonic acid and other things have been added.
- A. Centripetal - Centrifugal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
- Through the indirectly engendered cooling the density increases, whereby the frictional pressure is intensified by the mechanically-induced increase in velocity. The arrangement of the guide-vanes causes a spiral circumvolution, so that the bipolar ingredients, which rub against one another flow all the faster as their volume is reduced by the constant abrasion. Apart from the circumfluent motion another form of motion is also active which causes the bodies of the ingredients to swirl about their own axes and ensures their abrasion on all sides.
Here it should be noted that experiments established that all substances of terrestrial origin16 react to centrifugence, whereas the higher refluent or inward-falling substances, namely all forms of so-called oxygen, react to centripetence. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
3. Through the rising acceleration of the axially moving core-water-masses, the centrifugence of the swirling peripheral water-masses intensifies. This in turn increases the slip-pressure exerted by the suspended ingredients on the naturalesquely shaped and alloyed potential-increasing slip-resistances (guide-vanes). Due to the rising velocities the oligodynamic effect also increases, i.e. more and more supplementary influences are freed by the potential-intensifying frictional resistances and due to the water's careful [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
NOTE (4/25/23): Spiral placement of Nipples around Liberator Sphere. May be related to Schauberger’s spirals and cycloid motions, etc.
- a) Centrifugal Motion
- Together with its ingredients, the onrushing water proceeds along two completely different paths. The peripheral water-masses follow a centrifugal developmental path, while the core water-masses take a centripetal one.
Bodies heavier than water move down the centre. Bodies lighter than the carrier-substance migrate towards the periphery, where they are thrust against the wedge-shaped guide-vanes, which deflect them towards the pipe-walls[14].
- b) Centripetal Motion [see XIV Diamagnetism]
- c) Separating the two bipolar substances
- "This results in the spacial separation of the two bipolar substances, i.e. the oxygen proceeds down the centre and the carbones along the sides, where with increasing slip-pressure against the resistances (guide-vanes) and rotating about their own axes, they continue to be ground off. As a result the inner constituents are freed and separated out according to their centrifugal or centripetal characteristics." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- B. Various pipe shapes
- Many suggestions have already been made as to how losses in energy, pressure or velocity arising in the transport of liquids or gaseous media can be reduced. Thus for the purposes of inhibiting the formation of air-bubbles, which provoke an increase in the resistance to flow, a British Patent No. 409,528 for a pipe has been published, which is wound in a screw-form manner and its cross-sectional surfaces are formed by two arcs of a circle. From the British Patent No. 28,5343 of 1913 AD, the application of a pipe with an egg-shaped cross-section was made known, which was provided with flow-directing slats to inhibit the formation of vortices. In the U.S. Patent No. 1,655,197 as well as in the Schauberger - Swiss Patent No. 126637, cylindrical or conical pipes were proposed with the object of reducing friction by converting it into rotation, for which the pipe axis served as the rotational axis. Lastly, the Schauberger - Austrian Patent No. 28099 depicts the use of indented and twisted pipes. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Schauberger Patent 196680 - Pipe for Liquid and Gaseous Media]
This invention (see fig. 17) relates to a conduit or pipe for liquid or gaseous media, which is intended to prevent encrustation and to reduce flow losses, wherein the pipe cross-section is formed of several curved arcs of a circle and the pipe is coiled in a screw-form manner. The invention also consists in the fact that the cross-section is egg-shaped with an indentation on one side adjacent to the pointed end of the egg and that the pipe is first twisted upon itself before the whole is formed into a coil. With the aid of such a pipe, the conveying capacity and efficiency is improved due the reduction of frictional losses and the prevention of encrustation. In order to increase the conveying capacity, the coiling of the pipe around an imaginary cylinder has proved to be particularly effective. For the same reason, the pipe can be rotated in a normal manner, whereby the central axis of the coiled pipe arrangement is also the axis of rotation. It is also advantageous to narrow the cross-section of the twisted pipe.
Summary -
VIII Alloys, metals, etc.
Prologue -
a) Argon
b) Helium
c) Krypton
d) Neon
e) Radon
f) Xenon
Summary -
IX Factor, prerequisite, precondition, procedures
Prologue -
- A. Factors
- "The decisive factor here is il primo movere. This is the mysterious motive impulse that Leonardo da Vinci sought in vain during his whole life in order to activate il primo motore, the organic machine, in such a way that the intent of the original mobility-enabler - Life - could take its natural course." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
- B. Prerequisites
- "Therefore with the best will in the world, no flowing magnetism (levitism) can come into being, due to the almost complete lack of the most fundamental prerequisites for growth and increase." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism is the Function of Levitism and Electricism is the Function of Gravitism]
- C. Precondition
- noun: A condition that requires satisfaction before taking a course of action.
- verb: (medicine, biology) To condition in advance.
- "All motion consists of two components. One component serves inwardness (internalisation) and the other outwardness (dispersion). Both preconditions for motion regulate the eternal flow of metamorphosis (panta Rhei)." [Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No. 57, p.5.]
- The actual formative instrumentalities are always present and only come into play under very particular preconditions. Any human with the organic capacity can make use of one or the other attribute in order to beget the 'crown of creation', a young child for example, provided he or she is at all capable of becoming aroused and surrender themselves to the particular motion ordained by Nature for reproduction and further development.
We have to follow precisely the same modus operandi if we wish to reproduce or further develop a given water, so as to ur-produce qualities and properties that can be applied to the widest variety of purposes. Naturally the same is true for other organisms, amongst which air is also to be included.
These two organisms (air and water) contain various ingredients that differ both in nature and kind. It is common knowledge that science regards these interstitial substances as the impurities of a substance, which it considers to be just as chemically inert as it does the carrier-substance itself.
These supposed impurities are the carriers of bipolar energetic factors, which in their interaction with other factors in their environs manifest themselves as reproduced and evolved ethericities. These always appear as individualities and while similarities occur, identicalities never do. This fact alone suffices to show that any rigid conformity to law or dogma-derived process is just as impossible as an identically formed product, for the form and type of the product of synthesis is determined by a process of constantly changing change. page 99-100
- D. Procedures
- Details concerning the initial procedures for catalysis and catalytic effects appear in the application only to the extent necessary for the preliminary establishment of the novelty and the technical feasibility of this pioneering patent. It is not the examiner's brief to adjudicate on the practicality and other aspects (see patent regulations) of the application and therefore nothing has been excluded that is required or prescribed for the patent examination. It should be emphasized here that the mechanical processes in this pipe are totally uninteresting and therefore my own earlier applications and those of others, which give prominence to the advantages of the mechanical motion, are peripheral to the present application. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Summary -
X Mechanical Starting Impulse
Prologue -
- A. Starting Impulse
- There is insufficient space here to explain the nature of biomagnetic and bioelectric currents or their origin and purpose in more detail. They always come into being and operate simultaneously, because everything is bipolar, i.e. in every man the feminine also exists, and in every woman the masculine. Here too it is merely a question of which type of molecular motion took place first, thus giving precedence to processes of oxidation or reduction. All it takes therefore is a small starting impulse to determine the fate of all living things and whether they are dispatched on a downward or upward path. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Life-Current in Air and Water]
- B. Tickling
- By simply "tickling" the local Dirac Sea vacuum in which that specific creative ongoing "bubbling interaction" is occurring for a specific thing or process—i.e., tickling that local interacting vacuum with proper sharp-gradient tiny little pulses (preferably patterned for the specific effect or change desired), one very easily adds specifically-patterned negative energy/negative probabilities directly to the specific positive energy/positive probabilities of that ongoing "specific creative precursor interaction" of interest. So with remarkable ease and simplicity, one can directly change the basic creative precursor interaction any way one wishes, once the science is determined and experiments have provided a proper library of "tickle patterns that produce specific desired physical changes in specific creative precursor interactions."
Thus one can fairly readily develop the specific tickle-pattern that produces a cure for any specific disease (just little specific-pattern "tickles" that actually "unhappen" the part of the creative ongoing precursor interaction for that specific disease). Or one can easily develop startling things such as the specific tickle pattern interaction required to reverse aging.
Two examples here are now known, proven and verified by ordinary science, and accepted by our scientists without scientific knowledge of the real active mechanism involved. Those examples are:
(1) The tiny little jellyfish that—circa 1990—became immortal against death by aging, and so it has now rapidly multiplied and spread through all the oceans of the world, and
(2) Brooke Greenberg, the tiny little baby girl, still a baby in size and form but 16 years old, and whose parts are aging at differing rates. Her oldest part is about 10 years old, with most of her remaining parts much younger. Her mental condition/development is that of a toddler, while her body size etc. is still a baby of perhaps nine or ten months of age. And another thing demonstrated by the little girl is that, for several infections by dangerous disease, or other conditions, her little body has just directly reversed the disease or condition and "unhappened" it.
- C. Turn a knob
- "A dynamo-electric machine is placed at any given spot; its object, being put in action, is to withdraw from the earth its neutral electricity, to decompose it into its two conditions and to collect, upon accumulators, the electricity thus separated. As soon as the accumulators are charged, the electricity is disposable; that is, our lamps can be lighted. But what is marvelous in all this is that the forces of nature can be transformed at will. Should we not wish for light, we turn a knob and we have sound, heat, motion, chemical action, magnetism. Little seems wanting to create intelligence, so entirely do these accumulated forces lend themselves to all the transformations which their engineer may imagine and desire. But let us consider how greatly superior is our cerebral mechanism. In order to light a theatre we require a wide space, a dynamo-electric machine of many horse-power, accumulators filling many receptacles, a considerable expense in fuel, and clever mechanicians. In the human organism these engines are in miniature, one decimeter cube is all the space occupied by our brain; no wheels, no pistons, nothing to drive the apparatus, we suffice ourselves. In this sense, each of us can say, like the philosopher Biaz:- Omnia mecum porto. Our cerebral organ not only originates motion, heat, sound, light, chemical actions, magnetism, but it produces psychic forces, such as will, reasoning, judgment, hatred, love, and the whole series of intellectual faculties. They are all derived from the same source, and are always identical to each other, so long as the cerebral apparatus remains intact. The variations of our health alone are capable of causing a variation in the intensity and quality of our productions. [Keely, Vibratory Physics - The Connecting Link between Mind and Matter]
- D. Spark
Tesla discovered that there is anomalous power when the switch is switched on high-charge CC circuits. It measured more power in the circuit than it was put in as the first flow of power traveled through the circuit.
What did he find out? What were your findings, after performing multiple tests and developing devices to clarify the results?
Tesla found atmospheric electrostatic energy in the background, which some call point zero or vacuum energy. This was before modern electron theory, and Nikola Tesla gave these little spheres, which we call electrons, a different name; radiant matter.
Radiant matter was defined as primary spheres, they could not decompose further and their electrostatic energy was too much for their size. As far as Tesla was concerned, the radiant matter was not attached to the atoms, but was flowing freely in the atmosphere, local and cosmic.
Tesla assumed that radioactive matter and electrons were kept separated from each other through an isolating fluid, and according to his tests, nothing could break down this fluid, except a fairly charged circuit at the time it was launched. A spark was produced in the circuit, and “that” is a compression disturbance in the insulating fluid that separates the small spheres of radiant matter according to Tesla. Once an electrostatic energy compression, or a spark, is initiated, the charges/radiant matter can be combined.. it was this phenomenon that the first discoverers of CC electricity witnessed when they turned on the switch. In a fraction of a second, a blue glow would surround the cable (combining charges), and if there was a person too close to the cable, connected to ground, that person would die when grounding the circuit.
Tesla discovered that the longitudinal wave always precedes the cross wave on the cable. Since the longitudinal wave breaks down the isolating fluid, allowing charges to combine, the amount of energy would always be greater than the energy initiated.
While all the electrical engineers were busy looking for a way to remove this longitudinal wave from the circuit, Tesla was busy studying this force.
Tesla discovered an immense amount of power everywhere, but it wasn't available unless a compression shock was initiated. After which, the insulating fluid that separates the charge/energy would break.
A heavy load placed on a spark would be similar to a big push against a structure. Tesla probably pondered the results of his 10-pound oscillator on the structures near his laboratory in New York. Just 10 pounds can take down a full block.
The same should apply to radioactive matter, provided Tesla can find resonance frequency.
Tesla had a device that would eventually increase the exact frequency of buildings and their surroundings.
The oscillator worked by recycling the most frequent frequency through the circuit. Time by time, the same frequency would become more frequent, like a microphone that is being recharged. Everything at that frequency would fall apart.
Tesla thought that if he could take that "spark" that had exceptional voltage and current and replace it with weak voltage and current, but using the resonant frequency of the isolating fluid, he could create a dynamic in which very little energy would harness extraordinary energies. energy. Electricity would be created and it would be available to take it off the circuit. This is what almost everyone calls "free energy". Of course it's not free, but it's creating orders of magnitude more energy than it's used to create that energy.
Tesla knew it was “a spark” that broke the insulating fluid that prevents all these exceptional charges from combining, and defined “a spark” as a form of compression/longitudinal electrostatic energy. Their only question, at this point, was to find the frequency that would initiate the decomposition of the insulating fluid on a larger scale. To that end, Tesla developed two wheels that moved each other, each with between 60 and 100 tungsten passers at equal distances, and arranged them so that the passers would spark once when the passers of each wheel were close enough to start a spark. Speeds on the two wheels were adjustable so Tesla could withstand these sparks up to 2 million a second, or more.
Tesla disposed a small ground-connected driver plate next to the two wheels spinning in opposite motion and measured the voltage of the small ground-linked metal plate.
The small plate charged at exceptional levels when the spark was about 1 million per second, and this result was the basis of Tesla's radiant energy patent. It's all so simple, but no one understands it.
Summary -
XI Letter to Werner Zimmermann
Prologue -
Summary -
- A. Water
[10] The following excerpt from "Pregnant Water" (Schwangeres Wasser) in Implosion Magazine, No. 117, pp. 60-61, explains this process:
"It is a known fact that no free oxygen is present at normal temperatures, but that in the form of ozone it is loosely bound to nitrogen in the ratio of 3O2 to 6N6.
Were it otherwise, then it would not be beneficial to living things. It is only at +40°C (+104°F) that the individual O2 molecules appear, which trigger life-threatening chemical reactions in the human body and are the cause of heat-stroke for example. At about 1,000°C (1,832°F) single-atom molecules of O, identical to the oxygen atom, appear, which naturally have very specific effects. This is why, despite the hermetic seal, the high pressure in high-pressure boilers drops to medium pressure once the above atomic transformation has taken place. Similarly, it is a fact that N (= nitrogen) is not a uniform basic element, but in reality is CH2, i.e. a carbone composed of He3 (helium), wherein two atoms of hydrogen play the role of carrier-substance as it were. Furthermore, it is known that gaseous water and liquid water are quite different things. Gaseous water is OH2 and liquid water (OH2)6. The strong action of gaseous water, for example, follows from this, because two free action quantities or points become active, whereas liquid water has no action quantities, because all the action points are filled with H." [Viktor Schauberger].- Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
The actual formative instrumentalities are always present and only come into play under very particular preconditions. Any human with the organic capacity can make use of one or the other attribute in order to beget the 'crown of creation', a young child for example, provided he or she is at all capable of becoming aroused and surrender themselves to the particular motion ordained by Nature for reproduction and further development.
We have to follow precisely the same modus operandi if we wish to reproduce or further develop a given water, so as to ur-produce qualities and properties that can be applied to the widest variety of purposes. Naturally the same is true for other organisms, amongst which air is also to be included.
These two organisms (air and water) contain various ingredients that differ both in nature and kind. It is common knowledge that science regards these interstitial substances as the impurities of a substance, which it considers to be just as chemically inert as it does the carrier-substance itself.
These supposed impurities are the carriers of bipolar energetic factors, which in their interaction with other factors in their environs manifest themselves as reproduced and evolved ethericities. These always appear as individualities and while similarities occur, identicalities never do. This fact alone suffices to show that any rigid conformity to law or dogma-derived process is just as impossible as an identically formed product, for the form and type of the product of synthesis is determined by a process of constantly changing change. pages 99-100
Was listening to some 528hz sounds, noticing how grounding it felt while meditating on 'resolute in focus' and the idea of the bridge between the two worlds of potential and motion/form.
"music alone may span the space between finite and infinite." -Cayce
Our entire thought life is a symphony of frequency/music. As a Maestro we bridge the scalar potential to the motion/form by our emanations of intent, desire, thought, speech and action. Joanne Cremer
See https://svpwiki.com/cosmic-bridge
The eight corner projectors of the Universal radar broadcasting stations.
God's end of the cosmic ?Bridge where motion begins ?Its projection into space ?To simulate mind-idea.
Matter begins by division of stillness in the inert gases and its projection by two-way motion into pairs of octave wave tones, which we call elements. The principle of projection is the same that man uses in projecting the concept of his idea into the moving form of the idea. It is the dual radar principle of Nature. Reduced to its ultimate simplicity, Nature is a series of echoes. [Russell, Atomic Suicide - Fig 62]
"Chapter XI will more fully describe the inert gases as bridges between man and God." [Atomic Suicide, page 163]
"Fig. 63 is the body end of the cosmic bridge. It is that which is projected. It is motion compressed into a spherical image of the transient form that is eternally recorded in the hole which is within the four rings of the seed. That sphere is also composed of eight parts, and is centered by the zero of its Source." [Atomic Suicide, page 258]
- C. Ethericity
What could be more desirable than to move water or air in such a way naturalesquely that the beneficial and valuable inner factors attain their relatively highest state as ethericities, which on their part lead to the most beneficial processes of reproduction and further development.
In order to clarify what has been stated in the last paragraph, books would need to be written. Here we are especially concerned with the production or ur-creation of higher formative and dynamic agencies (dynagens), whose essential nature will be described here to the extent necessary to enable miniature machines to function more naturalesquely and therefore better than is presently the case. Everyone has a free choice either to adopt these new methods or to continue to believe that the scientific system, devised by rationally-minded individuals, is the very last word in mechanical motion.
The practical aim of this explanation is the production or ur-creation of a hydrocarbon that neither burns, nor smells or makes noise, the essential point here being that it is of a much higher grade and therefore functions far more efficiently as a propellant than oil, which has been cleverly manipulated, or the synthesised product that the chemist calls synthetic petrol (gasoline). page 99
- D. Water Vapor
"At a temperature of 15°C water is 819 times heavier than air at the same temperature. Water vapour, on the other hand, absorbs a 1,700-fold volume of water. With the evaporation of 1 litre of water, about 600 heat units become latent (stored, bound)." Walter Schauberger, Implosion Magazine, No 9, p.26. — Ed.
Summary -
Prologue -
These explanations provoked a veritable storm of protest in academic circles, forcing me to equip myself and go into action with somewhat heavier artillery. In response to the objections raised during the preliminary patent assessment, I then submitted the following supplementary explanation:
1. As inseparable trinities, the media of earth, water and air are the natural accumulators of biomagnetic and bioelectric dynagen concentrates. These are extremely sensitive to pressure and heat and may only be accelerated artificially in the original (primordial) way, i.e. planetarily, wherein cooling effects must predominate. Any abnormal increase in heat, no matter from what cause, triggers unnatural interactions between basic elements at the expense of the negatively surcharged, biomagnetic dynagen concentrates. ?2. All over-illumination and over-heating immediately provokes the release of decomposive energies; whether heating is the result of sunlight or The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines
Goethe called Nature's principal, formative essence the 'Eternally Female' and 'All-uplifting'. I have named it 'Qualigen'11. This can only come into being, if all medial masses (water, earth, air, etc.) are accelerated 'originally' - planetarily and predominantly centripetally by means of patented devices designed to create this form of motion. The design and the alloys used in the construction of these devices, which are continually being improved, are the exact opposites of those used in all areas of industry for the techno-academic acceleration of mass. The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Biological Vacuum - The Optimal Driving Force for Machines
The actual formative instrumentalities are always present and only come into play under very particular preconditions. Any human with the organic capacity can make use of one or the other attribute in order to beget the 'crown of creation', a young child for example, provided he or she is at all capable of becoming aroused and surrender themselves to the particular motion ordained by Nature for reproduction and further development.
We have to follow precisely the same modus operandi if we wish to reproduce or further develop a given water, so as to ur-produce qualities and properties that can be applied to the widest variety of purposes. Naturally the same is true for other organisms, amongst which air is also to be included.
These two organisms (air and water) contain various ingredients that differ both in nature and kind. It is common knowledge that science regards these interstitial substances as the impurities of a substance, which it considers to be just as chemically inert as it does the carrier-substance itself.
These supposed impurities are the carriers of bipolar energetic factors, which in their interaction with other factors in their environs manifest themselves as reproduced and evolved ethericities. These always appear as individualities and while similarities occur, identicalities never do. This fact alone suffices to show that any rigid conformity to law or dogma-derived process is just as impossible as an identically formed product, for the form and type of the product of synthesis is determined by a process of constantly changing change. pages 99-100
In order to clarify what has been stated in the last paragraph, books would need to be written. Here we are especially concerned with the production or ur-creation of higher formative and dynamic agencies (dynagens), whose essential nature will be described here to the extent necessary to enable miniature machines to function more naturalesquely and therefore better than is presently the case. Everyone has a free choice either to adopt these new methods or to continue to believe that the scientific system, devised by rationally-minded individuals, is the very last word in mechanical motion.
The practical aim of this explanation is the production or ur-creation of a hydrocarbon that neither burns, nor smells or makes noise, the essential point here being that it is of a much higher grade and therefore functions far more efficiently as a propellant than oil, which has been cleverly manipulated, or the synthesised product that the chemist calls synthetic petrol (gasoline). page 99
- A. Ennoblement
- "Particularly serious mistakes were made through the spreading of blast-furnace slag (so-called artificial fertilisers), whose intensified combustion once again robs the soil of its essential energy concentrates, the congealed oily sweetness, which the de-energised and finely pulverised slag then drags to itself from the surrounding negatively potentiated groundwater. Artificial fertilisers therefore remove the blood of the Earth's formative substances, which it must supply to the plants indirectly for the purposes of further ennoblement. In this way too, those levitational factors were eliminated which triable the specifically heavy groundwater to maintain its precarious suspension on steep slopes. From this it can be seen how dangerous are the influences of fire and the lower-grade, expansively and explosively functioning temperatures that arise from fire-affected masses." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Cadaverine Poison in Ray-Form - Ptomaine Radiation]
- "Magnetism and electricism are the two opposing metaphysical energy-forms, which regulate life and death and which dwell in every solid, liquid and gaseous (aeriform) mass (matter) in an allotropic and latent transitional state. They await the all-important developmental impulse in order to be transformed into higher-grade (life-affirming) or lower-grade (life-negating) forms of energy. In the former case a magnetolytic dissociation process plays the mediatory role and in the latter an electrolytic. The belief that magnetism was a passive and uninteresting by-product of electricism arose merely because nobody was aware of the type of motion that gives rise to higher-grade energy-forms. Nor were they aware of the associated dynamic shapes with which latent bipolar dynagens and their carrier-substance can be accelerated in such a way naturalesquely that, in accordance with the equation F = ma, the force responsible for the increase in substance and qualitative improvement (ennoblement) arises with whose aid the relatively highest grade energy-form can come into being." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
- "No law of energy conservation, nor any heat or other equivalence exists and hence no insuperable law of gravity, for all that is necessary is merely to accelerate a mass of ordinary water or air naturalesquely in order to generate upwardly flowing magnetism. This is the colossal force that maintains the whole Earth-ball in unstable equilibrium and whose revolution in cycloid-spiral-space-curves is caused and sustained by the above rotary (torque-producing) levitating current. By means of magnetolytic dissociative processes, this motion ur-produces the enlivening and originally moving (form-creating) retro-influent energy out of deceased fatty-matter; an energy that gives rise to the hitherto mysterious processes of genesis and increase, and the qualitative improvement (ennoblement) of what has been naturalesquely increased. In other words, it is responsible for the natural self-renewal and evolvement of everything that crawls and flies on this Earth." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Magnetism - Electricism]
- "This is especially true of water. It is therefore important to study the nature of water, its inner propensities and its capacity for onward transmission so that general and individual progress can be fostered through the possibility of its ennoblement." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Ennoblement of Water]
- B. Ethericity
- Dynagen: This is one of three forms of Ethericity, a term that refers to those supra-normal, near non-dimensional, energetic, bio-electric, bio-magnetic, catalytic, high-frequency, vibratory, super-potent entities of quasi-material, quasi-etheric nature belonging to the 4th and 5th dimensions of being. As such these ethericities can be further categorised as 'fructigens', 'qualigens' and 'dynagens', which respectively represent those subtle energies, whose function is the enhancement of fructification (fructigens), the generation of quality (qualigens) and the amplification of immaterial energy (dynagens). According to their function or location these may be male or female in nature. — Ed. [From Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2, 1993, section 3.1]
- These supposed impurities are the carriers of bipolar energetic factors, which in their interaction with other factors in their environs manifest themselves as reproduced and evolved ethericities. These always appear as [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
- What could be more desirable than to move water or air in such a way naturalesquely that the beneficial and valuable inner factors attain their relatively highest state as ethericities, which on their part lead to the most beneficial processes of reproduction and further development. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Summary -
XIV Magnetism, Diamagnetism, Cavitation, Gravity
Prologue -
?"The diamagnetic receding movement in the metal silver when brought close to the poles of a magnet operated by alternating current, is caused by "interatomic bombardment" of some 800,000 "corpuscular percussions" per second, or, expressed more exactly, by "intersympathetic vibrations" (non-operative on molecular, intermolecular or atomic sympathy, but penetrating within these to the interatom) or "interatomic bombardment". [DIAMAGNETISM - Snell]
Therefore it is also a mistake to believe that plants breathe in carbones and breathe out oxygen, which can be proven as follows: If the tips of enclosed stands of conifers are observed on very warm and windless days at about noon, then delicate transparent wraiths of mist can be seen, which waft upwards and disintegrate on exposure to excessive light and heat.15 This is a sign that decentrating forms of emulsion are taking place. That is, the upwardly radiating carbones, which become passive (inactive) with strong light and heat, are being bound by the aggressive oxygen influence, which happens under a negative (rising) temperature gradient. In my own experience this also leads to the drying up of high-lying true springs, which can only rise under conditions where the oxygen is in a diffuse state. If these vapour formations appear above the tops of the trees, then it is certain to rain after about 4 hours. This prompted watchful foresters of old, who were close to Nature, to pack a raincloak in their rucksacks for the afternoon shift. If the opposite emulsive process takes place, i.e. if the downwardly radiating terrestrial energy, which becomes highly active under a positive (falling) temperature gradient, binds the excess oxygen, which becomes passive (inactive) in a diffuse state, then it will be exceptionally clear and cool above the tree-tops. This happens, because diamagnetically charged levitational forces come into being in a similar way as occurs in natural mixed forests, whose temperature in winter and summer constantly remains close to the anomaly zone of the interspersed water (+4°C - 39.2°F). This healing zone is sought out by sick and wounded animals, which go there to regain their health or to die a painless death. These sick beds, or surgical beds as experienced huntsmen called them, are also to be found in the water immediately below high-grade springs to which wounded game comes and to which the naturalistic huntsman hurries by the shortest route, where he finds the wounded creature dying in the healing water and puts it out of its agony with a coup-de-grace.
The simplest effect of catalytic opposites, i.e. fine-structured opposites with inner interuniting properties, or more properly having a 'marrying' tendency (ur-procreation), can best be observed in the generation of electric current, which is normally only successfully achieved with so-called dynamos incorporating rotors made of paramagnetic metal. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts, pages 37-38]
Conversely, if diamagnetic catalysts are used in dynamos constructed in exactly the opposite way (so-called Repulsators - see fig. 7 & figs. 24 ->26), then an upward flowing diamagnetism is produced, which viewed biologically is to be understood as 'levitation' (resurrective or upsuctional force), during which the follow-up pressure mentioned elsewhere plays a subordinate role. If the developmental process is initiated in reverse order, where the pressural components predominate, then super-strong gravitational forces are freed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
(see fig. 8 & figs. 30-33) operates in accordance with the principle of counter-flowing currents and generates diamagnetism. Under a falling temperature gradient, these devices accelerate the flow-through material almost without diction and with increasing suctional force, if catalytic binding energies are introduced into the flow-through material in order to produce those atomic energies, which exhibit precisely the opposite effects to those that are produced today in ignorance of the disastrous consequences. It was either an abysmal stupidity or the greatest crime of all time to exploit decomposive atomic energies for the build-up of a world-wide economy. How it is produced is still taught and learnt in all technical colleges of the civilized world and as a subject of higher education, is the basis for an unnatural and [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Catalysts]
"With implosions a molecular ordering takes places in a radial->axial direction and therefore a suctional effect takes place in the axis, where the most vigorous decrease in heat and pressure occurs. This attracts, indraws, concentrates and binds (emulsifies) the oxygen, which gives rise to diamagnetism. This is precisely the opposite of the atomic pressural force, generally known as electricity. With implosion, detonationless retro-suctional effects occur in the core zone, which promote a higher grade emulsive process, namely the binding of the oxygen, which becomes increasingly passive the closer it is to the center of flow. This results in the collapse of the peripheral masses, the release of the through-flowing substance from the walls, and thereby to an almost frictionless increase in the velocity of the self-inwinding through-flowing material, which accelerates by the square of the velocity of a falling heat gradient." [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Explosion and Implosion - Expansion and Impansion]
Formative forms of motion are hallmarked by the development of an atomic negative pressure. Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch, a surgeon, discovered it in 1908. He realized that without the existence of negative pressure between the lung-surfaces and the pleura, any inhalation and exhalation of diffuse (purified and exalted) precipitates of solar energy (chemically termed oxygen) would be impossible. In other words, there would be no re-spire-ation (fertilising) of digested, nutritive ethericities, which in exalted form enter the hermetically sealed blood or sap by way of diffusion. Unfortunately Professor Sauerbruch failed to see that this force, which internally bonds (emulsifies) the ethericities of fructigenic and seminal matter, is the diamagnetism discovered by Michael Faraday in 1845. Diamagnetism is also known as healing magnetism, animal magnetism or mesmerism — an ism that science views with disfavour. It manifests itself in a similar fashion to the pressural atomic forces that move a dowsing rod. Like the previously mentioned magnetism, this latter force can neither be measured nor weighed exactly and is hence rejected by science. [Nature as Teacher, Volume II, pages 107-108]
It must be stated at the outset that in this case the decisive but previously overlooked concentration of qualigen is only possible with the aid of radial->axial motion. Every medium becomes heavier if it is unable to breathe and its life is removed. This occurs immediately if excessive influences of heat and pressure are brought to bear by the opposite form of motion. In this case the diamagnetic, or adsuctional and insuctional force (namely Professor Warburg's life-energy) and otherwise known as levitation- al force by people of ancient cultures, is lost. [Nature as Teacher, Volume II, page 108]
Almost all monocultivated, plantation forests originate from this igno- rance. They can therefore quite properly be described as cancer-prone. They lack diamagnetic, adsuctional and insuctional force and can no longer produce fertile seeds. As is the case with the remaining, over-cleared, old-growth forests, they too can be considered lost if the present methods of forestry are not drastically and quickly altered. Today's fertile soils and whatever water still remains are already over-acidified and polluted to such a degree that there can be no recovery without radical remedial measures.
In Nature everything is reversible. The last hope for restoring the natural order of things lies in the mechanical production of diamagnetism which comes about in the opposite way to the present generation of electricity. The idea of generating life-giving energy mechanically and restoring water's life-force and ability to breathe may sound fantastic. Yet, the behaviour of water itself shows us how this comes about, as it sinks lifelessly back into the womb of the Earth only to rise upwards again as noble water in mountain springs. The reason why it has been impossible to copy this natural process so far is simply because the enabling form of motion was unknown. People mistakenly believe the Earth's rotation to be circular. With circular motion, however, no negative pressure or drop in temperature can be achieved. [Nature as Teacher, Volume II, pages 109-110]
Professor Ernst Ferdinand Sauerbruch discovered the organic low-pressure chamber that lies between the pleura and the surface of the lungs, which functions as a biological vacuum and enables the inhalation of breathable matter and the resistance-free expansion of the lungs. Professor Sauerbruch was not aware, however, that this phenomenon is only possible through planetary motion. In this process positive atmospheric pressure is countered by a negative pressure, variable at will, whose power increases by the square of the in-winding rotational velocity. Moreover, if water is centrifuged, positive pressure increases in precisely the same measure, resulting in the lateral ejection of bipolar sediments. The naturalesque way, however, is to centripetalise them along the central axis. Otherwise a bio-electric nuclear axis surrounded by a decadent magnetic field will develop (as with electromagnets) at the same time as a diamagnetic, oxygen-repelling, but nonetheless iron-attracting magnetic function. In this case a pole-reversal occurs, i.e. an atomic excess pressure evolves in the longitudinal axis of a watercourse, which makes all respiration and insuction of diffuse, atmospheric oxygen impossible. The water inevitably suffocates, and with further direct or indirect over-illumination it decomposes due to the increasingly aggressive concentration of oxygen. [Nature as Teacher, Volume II, page 121]
Pyrolytic carbon has one of the largest diamagnetic constants of any room temperature material. Here a pyrolytic carbon sheet is levitated by its repulsion from the strong magnetic field of neodymium magnets.
Summary -
- The increase in magnitude of a signal. Also, the amount of voltage amplification utilized to enlarge small electronic signals up to full scale deviation on instruments such as FM tape recorders. This non-dimensional number is usually in even steps of 2, 5, and 10. [Bentley Nevada Corporation; Field of Rotating Machinery Measurement, Monitoring and Analysis]
- See Fibonacci Relationships, Syntropy
The energy that can be gained through bio-dynamic motion manifests itself in an increase in tractive force and carrying capacity, which appear primarily in the pipe-axis. Here the water is densified inhomogenously, because its contained gases are transformed into non-spacial dynagens.9 As a result the core-water surges ahead like a ball of energy with increasing velocity. The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Transport of Ore in Double-Spiral-Flow Pipes
Summary -
Prologue -
See in svpwiki.
See especially the chapter: Magnetism - Electricism
See especially: Magnetism_Electricism.pdf
See especially: Letter to Werner Zimmermann
Negative Gravity - levitism
Factor, prerequisite, precondition (page 87-89)
Raw Material
Initial Motion
Whirl Pipe
Summary -
XVII Transformations, Evolution, Reproduction, Development
Prologue -
"naturalesque way to transform high-grade matter into Spirit (energy)." page 86
Viewed from a naturalesque standpoint, evolution or reproduction and further development should be seen as a sexual process. Only thus can the truth be established and practical progress made.[The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Just a small heat-influence is enough to separate the higher factors from more inferior ones contained in good water. As the condensing reversionary elements of retro-development, the latter appear and become visible in the form of substantial physical matter. It should therefore be quite obvious that with the high temperatures known to be necessary for contemporary methods of coal liquefaction, the identical processes of separation and concentration must take place in increased measure.
At this point it should be noted that this always involves a law of reciprocity, or that the bipolar basic substances are inversely related both symmetrically and proportionally.
The inner ingredients contained in carbon (carbone) can be compared to the unfertilised reproductive or formative substances of a mature woman immediately after menstruation.
Like the beads of carbon dioxide in water that has been warmed, through the strong influence of heat the residual substances shrivel up after the separation and precipitation of the higher quality constituents[11]. Due to the high pressure the outer envelope or the carrier-substance will be crushed and in this way the de-energised elements released.
The opposite primary elements, the varieties of so-called oxygen, will be physically released at higher temperatures, i.e. they attain the so-called charged state that enables them to consume, or as the scientist says, to bind their as it were 'devoted' condensed counterparts.
Through this metabolic process a transformation takes place that ultimately gives rise to a motion leading to a higher and a lower product of synthesis. This further results in two different current flows and the products associated with them. In the first case, this logically leads to the formation of a higher energy-form, which pierces through any enclosing walls and expresses itself as an emitted charge.
In the second case, a marriage takes place between the residual substances. In short, the inferior product of synthesis that science calls synthetic petrol (gasoline) is produced. The moment this second, inferior synthesising process happens, a pressure recoil (cavitation) takes place due to the emission or discharge of the higher constituents (viz. the pressure reflux in high-pressure boilers). [The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows, page 99-100]
We therefore arrive at the following transformative phenomena:
1. The inner constituents freed through mechanical abrasion (removal of the outer envelope) are transferred into two different states due to the cooling of the carrier-substance. Through this increasing cooling the terrestrial substances or carbones attain their relatively highest potential.
2. The stocks of all forms of so-called oxygen travel down the middle and with increasing cooling become inactive and shrivel up like their counterparts, the beads of carbon dioxide in warmed water. At the same time these increasingly indifferent[17] fertilising substances (oxygen) are accelerated mechanically along the unrestricted (no guide-vanes) and shorter central axial path and are thereby dispersed, or dosed as it were. (see fig. 16)
3. Through the rising acceleration of the axially moving core-water-masses, the centrifugence of the swirling peripheral water-masses intensifies. This in turn increases the slip-pressure exerted by the suspended ingredients on the naturalesquely shaped and alloyed potential-increasing slip-resistances (guide-vanes). Due to the rising velocities the oligodynamic effect also increases, i.e. more and more supplementary influences are freed by the potential-intensifying frictional resistances and due to the water's careful [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Rhythmic Balanced Interchange and Reciprocating Duality
"And you shall know that what emerges from one side of its equator is equal - but opposite to that which is on the other side - and that EACH WILL DISAPPEAR IN SEEMING DEATH TO REBORN EACH OTHER AS SEEMING LIFE. The anodes of the universe are likewise cathodes - and the cathodes are likewise anodes as surely as you, who breathe out, breathe in again to again breathe out - and as you who live, are dying as you live, and must forever die to forever live." [Home Study Course, Unit Seven. Lesson 25]
The outcome of this incessant reciprocal activity on the one hand is the reconstitution of the various kinds of water present in the individual zones, and on the other, the constant transformation of the species of vegetation in which water makes its way, ceaselessly moved by this inner interplay of forces. This inner, energetic interaction, however, is opposed by the effect of the water's weight. The alternating magnitudes of these component forces inevitably lead to the constant rising and falling of the water particles - the so-called pulsation of water. Every new formation and all growth is derived from the smallest beginnings. Continuing development in the early stages can only be accomplished if the circulation in the Earth's interior proceeds correctly. According to inner law, every higher form of vegetation is built up from the lower species preceding it. The carrier of the substances and the transmitter of the life-processes in the root-zone is the groundwater. The impulse for its movement is caused by a drop in temperature, to which the inner metabolic processes of the here decisive groups of basic elements give rise. The impulse for the movement of water is thus a product of the interactions between the opposites contained within it, which find their necessary resistance in the water itself. Through the resistance arising from the interactions between carbone and oxygen, fluctuations in temperature again occur and with them the impulse to move - the pulsation of water, which in this way at times dissolves salts and at others deposits them, transports them, creates energies and transforms them. The sense and purpose of these perpetual transformation processes is the creation and maintenance of the various types of vegetation and physical forms, which on their part again represent the bridges for the build-up and maintenance of the energies. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, Conclusions]
"Coherent aggregates harmonically united constitute centers of vibration bearing relation to the fundamental pitch not multiples of the harmonic pitch, and the production of secondary unions between themselves generate pitches that are discords, either in their unisons, or overtones with the original pitch; from harmony is generated discord, the inevitable cause of perpetual transformation."
Read more: perpetual transformation processes
Summary -
XVIII Organic Synthesis
Prologue -
These species of human being are commonly called chemists, who are known to produce products of fermentation without taking Nature's dynamic processes into account. Without this there is no possibility for reproduction and further development of any kind, because things possessing these properties have come into being through movement, during which differences in temperature arise that initiate intermediate metabolic processes. These then give rise to flow-alternating processes that engender products of organic synthesis, which is what concerns us here. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
We therefore arrive at the following transformative phenomena: ?1. The inner constituents freed through mechanical abrasion (removal of the outer envelope) are transferred into two different states due to the cooling of the carrier-substance. Through this increasing cooling the terrestrial substances or carbones attain their relatively highest potential. ?2. The stocks of all forms of so-called oxygen travel down the middle and with increasing cooling become inactive and shrivel up like their counterparts, the beads of carbon dioxide in warmed water. At the same time these increasingly indifferent[17] fertilising substances (oxygen) are accelerated mechanically along the unrestricted (no guide-vanes) and shorter central axial path and are thereby dispersed, or dosed as it were. (see fig. 16) ?3. Through the rising acceleration of the axially moving core-water-masses, the centrifugence of the swirling peripheral water-masses intensifies. This in turn increases the slip-pressure exerted by the suspended ingredients on the naturalesquely shaped and alloyed potential-increasing slip-resistances (guide-vanes). Due to the rising velocities the oligodynamic effect also increases, i.e. more and more supplementary influences are freed by the potential-intensifying frictional resistances and due to the water's careful
[16] Terrestrial: In relation to oxygen, which Viktor Schauberger viewed as a lower form of sunlight, this refers to substances that specifically belong to the Earth (carbones). - Ed. ?[17] Indifferent: relates in this instance to a condition similar to lethargy. - Ed.
insulation against heat are bound into the water, which is swirled in towards the central axis by the inclined angle of the resistances - guide-vanes.[4]. Having been drawn there by the increase in axial velocity, the water-masses inwinding towards the central axis now bind the highly active dynagens, which have been released through the mutual abrasion of the carbones. No longer reacting to any mechanical centrifugence, these energised terrestrial elements then begin to encircle the centrally moving oxygenes. Through the continuous approach of the through-flowing water-masses towards the anomaly point of +4°C (+39.2°F), on the one hand the terrestrial elements attain their relatively highest energetic state and on the other, the oxygenes become increasingly indifferent and more dispersed, thus reaching the condition proper to a fertilising substance. If this state is reached at the anomaly point, then the highly energised terrestrial residues (the former carbones) bind their fertilising counter-parts, and the naturalesque product of synthesis is complete.
This product of synthesis is characterized by the fact that the ratio between oxygen and its carbone counterpart is 4% : 96%, because all the remaining oxygen has been transformed into fertilising substances and then bound. Therefore the new product of synthesis has the highest negative valency and is of geospheric character. Certain factors relating to these processes should be noted: In the scientific synthesising process heat has a shrivelling effect on the decisive formative substance in its nascent state, while physical pressure ruptures its outer envelope. In the case of coal liquefaction by means of cold flows the increasing cooling on the developmental path acts to increase the potential. However, since the increase in the potential of the true formative substance is of a purely energetic nature, it would be unable to break through the outer envelope had this not been mechanically abraded through the circumvolution and inner rotation (gyrate within and about itself and its own axis) caused by the increasing frictional pressure arising from the doubly increased velocity of the whole water-body. These differences demand the closest attention and consideration. The product of synthesis obtained by means of cold flows, binds itself into its own waste product (juvenile water). Therefore apart from a new, fresh and more highly cultured energy, an associated carrier-substance of the highest order is also created at the expense of the gradually transforming (internally reconstituted) stocks of cold water. This two-fold transformation represents the increase and the qualitative improvement of what has been quantitatively increased (the growth of water). The finished product is a crystal-clear water that has neither taste, nor smell, nor colour, because in this product of synthesis all kinds of things are on the loose or have been loosed (emancipated), i.e. they have been raised to the relatively highest evolved state, which is of energetic nature and therefore non-spacial. This water has the relatively highest density and specific gravity, attained through cooling towards the anomaly point, which is marginally less than +4°C (+39.2°F) [18].
If this product of synthesis, almost exclusively composed of geospheric energies, is atomized and atmospheric oxygen simultaneously infused through nozzles (viz. other forms of fertilization), thus charging it with fertilizing substances (these become passive at high centripetal velocity) and if this whole mixture is lightly compressed (warmed) by a descending piston, then the mixture is instantaneously transformed into the next higher state of development or aggregation, namely into air.
Due to this new organism's roughly 1,700-fold increase in volume, an exploitable expansive pressure equal to about 2,000 atmospheres per litre (0.264 gal.)[19] of such water is produced.[20]
That this tremendous pressure expresses itself silently requires no special comment. That, as a high-grade air, this product of transformation has a more beneficial effect on the environment and development generally than the waste matter of explosive processes, also goes without saying. That this high-grade product of transformed air does not smell, is without doubt. In this way what was striven for has been achieved, namely a far higher exploitable pressure than is produced by any form of petrol (gasoline). Moreover, it is an incombustible pressure-creating substance that neither stinks nor creates a din, and its beneficial effect can be raised to any desired level, so that in practice the smallest quantities are enough to achieve any desired effects.
This ideal pressure-producing substance is the driving medium for powering the centrifugal Repulsators, which ur-generate the bio-electromagnetic vacuum, the most powerful suctional force of Nature's that could ever be imagined. These centrifugal Repulsators are described in the patent application at the Reich's Patent Office in Berlin[21]. Their more detailed description will be undertaken at an appropriate moment in the future.
Summary -
XIX Heart Beat and Vibration Dynamics
Prologue -
"Macvicar foreshadowed the teachings of this new philosophy when he wrote, "All motion in the universe is rhythmical. This is seen in the forward and backward movement of the pendulum, the ebb and the flow of the tides, the succession of day and night, the systolic and diasystolic action of the heart, and in the inspiration and expiration of the lungs. Our breathing is a double motion of the universal ether, an active and a reactive movement. This androgyne principle, with its dual motion, is the breath of God in man. The writings of the ancients teem with these ideas, which have been handed down to us from generation to generation, and are now flashing their light, like torches in the darkness, upon mysteries too long regarded as "lying outside the domain of physical science." Bloomfield-Moore, see Father-Mother Principle, Neutral Center
In order to round off this understanding, the concept of 'mass' (matter) must also be explained in greater detail. Mass is here to be understood as the product of tripolar motion. It represents the partial solidification, as it were, of a motive force that is latent in a neutral carrier-substance and which to a certain extent acts as the resistance to possible inner motion (vibration).
The interaction - or the inner motion, is only possible by way of the seemingly 'dormant' resistance to motion, whose resisting force also intensifies in proportion to the increase in the speed of the interaction. Were this otherwise, then the greatly amplified product of this interaction could not be concentrated in this atomic prison (lattice) - (viz. the increasingly consolidated resistance to motion associated with physical acceleration, without which the latter could not happen.)
The following is a brief clarification of these internal interactions: If a tripolar mass (plus, minus and neutral) moving in an axial->radial direction is split up by pressure-intensifying and therefore temperature-increasing dynamic influences, then oxygen in a developmentally dangerous form becomes free, unipolar and so aggressive that it consumes (binds) and digests the sweet-matter (carbone), which becomes passive (inactive) under such influences. 'Sweet-matter' is here to be understood as the essential creative (fertile) substance. The end product of this dissociative process is the electrically supercharged ion, whose initial decomposive force can be intensified through high-speed centrifugal axial->radial velocity by up to 96%.
If on the other hand a tripolar mass is split up by suction-intensifying and temperature-reducing dynamic influences, then the true creative substance (sweet matter) will be exposed to revitalising (cooling) temperatures. In this case the formative (levitative) sweet-matter becomes free, unipolar and so highly active that it binds, consumes and digests the oxygen (fertilising substance), which has become passive under this other dynamic influence. The end product of this magnetolytic dissociation is the predominantly magnetically charged ion, whose original formative and levitative force, which as everything else in Nature is to be understood as an indirect effect, can be intensified by up to 96%. Imbued with levitative force, these ions suck up the inferior matter and the generating device in their wake with elemental ur-force and encounter the natural and therefore higher-grade forms of inwardly falling (impanding) and concentrating (condensing) heat and light moving in the opposite direction. The product of this partial concentration, which has been solidified through these higher-grade counter-influences is what is known as 'growth', (see fig. 15) page 83
Let us consider, for example, a fully-developed ovum in the body of a fertile woman. The reproductive product, the child, can only be woken to life through a particular forward motion, which takes place first. This leads to the influx of the fertilising substance, to independent life and thus to autonomous movement. For this process wise Nature made provision for certain changes in shape associated with aroused or excited states without which the coming to life of a child is impossible. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
These guide-vanes are placed at certain intervals so that mechanical pressure is alternately increased and decreased continuously. This results in the cooling of the whole water-mass, similar to the Linde process[15] [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, The Liquefaction of Coal by Means of Cold Flows]
Summary -
XX 369
Prologue -
(369) - Coming together of Celestial (3) and Terrestrial (6) forces (mate-pairs), ala Keely. Add sketch of centralizing and decentrating forces (sketch of vibration vectors and forces). See Also Sex, Heart Beat, Rhythmic Balance Interchange, Laws of Being, etc.
Summary -
XXI Multiple Subdivisions - Ur sources to Kinetic Motion
Prologue -
"Keely did revolutionary work decoding the ancient knowledge. He systematized those old insights into a coherent practical science. Perhaps the backbone of his work was his orderly division of matter and energy into a clear scale of density and energy from the gross Molecular to what he called the Compound Interetheric or highest/finest plane he could investigate."
Same as phases of matter or states of matter.
"Matter is capable of infinite subdivision." [Keely, 1893]
Will and counterwill are functions of the temperatures that arise for one reason or another. Work is a function of the temperatures that lie above or below the turning point or point of intersection - the anomaly point - in which all life arises (zero-point). It is of similar nature to what we experience as the 'present', which is a function of an on-going extremely high velocity flow. This flow is an eternal motion-of-creation, which in turn gives rise to a constant creation-of-motion.[1] Thus we arrive at the fallacy and the explanation of the life that lies between birth and burial, which is the illusion that clothes evolution with reality. Temperature is thus the difference between differences, out of which the ceaseless movement of evolution arises, which is itself the product of tensions resulting from the contrasting directions of movement. [From Schauberger, The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature - Special Edition Mensch und Technik, Vol. 2,1993, section 3.1]
Read more here: work
"The peculiar conditions as associated with the gaseous elements of which water is composed, as regards the differential volume and gravity of its gases, make it a ready and fit subject of vibratory research. In submitting water to the influence of vibratory transmission, even on simple thirds, the high action induced on the hydrogen as contrasted with the one on the oxygen (under the same vibratory stream) causes the antagonism between these elements that induces dissociation. The differential antagonistic range of motion, so favoring the antagonistic thirds as to become thoroughly repellant. The gaseous element thus induced and registered, shows thousands of times much greater force as regards tenuity and volume than that induced by the chemical disintegration of heat, on the same medium.
In all molecular dissociation or disintegration of both simple and compound elements, whether gaseous or solid, a stream of vibratory antagonistic thirds, sixths, or ninths, on their chord mass will compel progressive subdivisions. In the disintegration of water the instrument is set on thirds, sixths, and ninths, to get the best effects. These triple conditions are focalized on the neutral center of said instrument so as to induce perfect harmony or concordance to the chord note of the mass chord of the instruments full combination, after which the diatonic and the enharmonic scale located at the top of the instrument, or ring, is thoroughly harmonized with the scale of ninths which is placed at the base of the vibratory transmitter with the telephone head. The next step is to disturb the harmony on the concentrative thirds, between the transmitter and the disintegrator. This is done by rotating the siren so as to induce a sympathetic communication along the nodal transmitter, or wire, that associates the two instruments. When the note of the siren becomes concordant to the neutral center of the disintegrator, the highest order of sympathetic communication is established. It is now necessary to operate the transferable vibratory negatizer or negative accelerator, which is seated in the center of the diatonic and enharmonic ring, at the top of the disintegrator, and complete disintegration will follow (from the antagonisms induced on the concordants by said adjunct) in triple progression, thus: First thirds: Molecular dissociation resolving the water into a gaseous compound of hydrogen and oxygen. Second: sixths, resolving the hydrogen and oxygen into a new element by second order of dissociation, producing what I call low atomic ether. Third: ninths, the low atomic ether resolved into a new element, which I denominate high or second atomic harmonic. All these transmissions being simultaneous on the disturbance of sympathetic equilibrium by said negative accelerator." Snell Manuscript - The Book, page 4
NOTES: Basic Vector Operations - http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/vect.html
Both a magnitude and a direction must be specified for a vector quantity, in contrast to a scalar quantity which can be quantified with just a number. Any number of vector quantities of the same type (i.e., same units) can be combined by basic vector operations.
- Think of these beginning or initiating forces as different types or sub-orders of Keely's interetheric subdivision of matter and energy.
- In Viktor Schauberger's writings in German, the prefix 'Ur' is often separated from the rest of the word by a hyphen, e.g. 'Ur-sache' in lieu of 'Ursache', when normally it would be joined. By this he intends to place a particular emphasis on the prefix, thus endowing it with a more profound meaning than the merely superficial. This prefix belongs not only to the German language, but in former times also to the English, a usage which has now lapsed. According to the Oxford English Dictionary, 'ur' denotes 'primitive', 'original', 'earliest', giving such examples as 'ur-Shakespeare' or 'ur-origin'. This begins to get to the root of Viktor's use of it and the deeper significance he placed upon it. If one expands upon the interpretation given in the Oxford English Dictionary, then the concepts of 'primordial', 'primeval', 'primal', 'fundamental', 'elementary', 'of first principle', come to mind, which further encompass such meanings as: — pertaining to the first age of the world, or of anything ancient; — pertaining to or existing from the earliest beginnings;- constituting the earliest beginning or starting point;- from which something else is derived, developed or depends;- applying to parts or structures in their earliest or rudimentary stage; — the first or earliest formed in the course of growth. To this can be added the concept of an 'ur-condition' or 'ur-state' of extremely high potential or potency, a latent evolutionary ripeness, which given the correct impulse can unloose all of Nature's innate creative forces. In the English text, therefore, the prefix 'ur' will also be used wherever it occurs in the original German and the reader is asked to bear the above in mind when reading what follows. — Ed. [The Energy Evolution - Harnessing Free Energy from Nature, page 3]
- A. ur-causal
- B. ur-cause
- C. ur-cell
- D. ur-child
- E. ur-condition
- F. ur-create
- G. ur-created
- H. ur-creation
- I. ur-feminine
- J. ur-fertilisation
- K. ur-fertilise
- L. ur-fertilised
- M. ur-force
- N. ur-form
- O. ur-generate
- P. ur-generation
- Q. ur-genesis
- R. ur-primordial
- S. ur-procreation
- T. ur-produce
- U. ur-product
- V. Ur-sache
- X. ur-source
- Y. ur-state
- Z. ur-water
Summary -
XXII Schauberger Patents
Prologue -
Summary -
- See Alchemy - Glossary of Terms
- See Compendium and Definitions
- See Keely Definitions
- See Sound and Vibration Definitions
- See SVP Glossary
- See Words Terms and Definitions
NOTE: [AI is a useful tool. But it can easily mis-interpret vast amounts of data and arrive at false conclusions. There is accuracy in this article but somethings are not quite right.]
See Also